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English-German translation for: thoughts.
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Dictionary English German: thoughts

Translation 1 - 50 of 120  >>

English German
NOUN   a thought | thoughts
Gedanken {pl}
thoughts [considerations]
Überlegungen {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to abandon thoughtsGedanken fallen lassen
to divine sb.'s thoughtsjds. Gedanken lesen
to drift (thoughts)wandern
to read sb.'s thoughtsjds. Gedanken lesen
2 Words: Nouns
psych. audible thoughts {pl}Gedankenlautwerden {n}
bad thoughtsschlechte Gedanken {pl}
black thoughtsdüstere Gedanken {pl}
crude thoughtsunreife Gedanken {pl}
dangerous thoughtsgefährliche Gedanken {pl}
dark thoughtsfinstere Gedanken {pl}
deep thoughtstiefe Gedanken {pl}
psych. disrupted thoughtsGedankenabbrechen {n}
evil thoughtsböse Gedanken {pl}
gloomy thoughtsfinstere Gedanken {pl}
glum thoughtsschwarze Gedanken {pl}
psych. intrusive thoughtsIntrusionen {pl}
jumbled thoughtswirre Gedanken {pl}
psych. obsessive thoughtsZwangsgedanken {pl}
profound thoughtstiefe Gedanken {pl}
profound thoughtstiefgründige Gedanken {pl}
rash thoughtsvorschnelle Gedanken {pl}
recurring thoughtswiederkehrende Gedanken {pl}
scattered thoughtswirre Gedanken {pl}
soaring thoughtshochfliegende Ideen {pl}
strange thoughtsseltsame Gedanken {pl}
stray thoughtsabschweifende Gedanken {pl}
psych. suicidal thoughtsSelbstmordgedanken {pl}
wanton thoughtslüsterne Gedanken {pl}
weird thoughtsverquere Gedanken {pl}
woolly thoughtsunklare Gedanken {pl}
woolly thoughtswirre Gedanken {pl}
3 Words: Others
Unverified just my thoughtsNur meine Gedanken [nur meine Meinung]
My thoughts exactly!Genau das dachte ich auch!
preoccupied with thoughts {adj}in Gedanken versunken
quote Thoughts are free.Die Gedanken sind frei.
3 Words: Verbs
to bare one's thoughtsseine Gedanken offenlegen
to bend thoughts from sth.Gedanken von etw. weglenken
to centre one's thoughts [Br.]seine Gedanken zentrieren
to clarify one's thoughtsseine Gedanken klären
to collect one's thoughtsseine Gedanken ordnen
to collect one's thoughtsseine Gedanken sammeln
to compose one's thoughtsseine Gedanken beruhigen
to engross the thoughtsdie Gedanken vertiefen
to gather one's thoughtsseine Gedanken sammeln [sich konzentrieren]
to have random thoughtsherumspintisieren [ugs.]
to have second thoughts [idiom]sichAkk. besinnen [es sich anders überlegen]
to have second thoughts [idiom]seine Meinung ändern
to have second thoughts [idiom]es sichDat. anders überlegen
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A 2024-09-25: Any thoughts are welcome.
A 2023-10-17: Some late and random thoughts.
A 2023-08-31: A few quick thoughts.
A 2021-09-03: Some more thoughts:
A 2021-09-02: immerse in deep thoughts
A 2020-09-29: If it is BE, then I think Michael's original thoughts are unlikely.
A 2020-09-03: Second thoughts
A 2020-07-18: My thoughts
A 2020-07-10: I generally agree with MichaelK's thoughts for BE, as well,
A 2018-10-02: Some thoughts.
A 2018-08-20: My thoughts
A 2018-03-28: Our thoughts are with you
A 2017-10-18: Two more thoughts
A 2017-05-25: On second thoughts, what about +Straßenschlacht?+
A 2016-10-05: Thanks, postcard. Exactly my thoughts.
A 2016-06-24: second thoughts: "bei mir unten(rum)" ist sooo euphemistisch, dass es ve...
Q 2016-04-23: Interesting thoughts on Thomas Mann, highly critical, but also humorous in a way
Q 2016-04-21: the above is/are our thoughts
Q 2016-03-29: some thoughts on patent and legal translations....
A 2016-03-20: Some thoughts.

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