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English-German translation for: three-piece
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Dictionary English German: three piece

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ADJ   three-piece | - | -
three-piece {adj} [attr.]dreiteilig
furn. three-piece suiteCouchgarnitur {f}
three-piece rimdreiteilige Felge {f}
three-piece setdreiteilige Garnitur {f}
cloth. three-piece suitDreiteiler {m} [Anzug]
cloth. three-piece suitdreiteiliger Anzug {m}
furn. three-piece suiteClubgarnitur {f} [dreiteilig]
three-piece suitedreiteilige Sitzgruppe {f}
furn. upholstered (three-piece) suitePolstergarnitur {f}
furn. upholstered (three-piece) suitePolstergruppe {f}
furn. three-piece suite [Br.]dreiteilige Couchgarnitur {f}
furn. three-piece suite [Br.]dreiteilige Polstergarnitur {f}
furn. three-piece suite [Br.]dreiteilige Sitzgarnitur {f}
club-style (three-piece) suiteKlubgarnitur {f}
three-piece {adj} [attr.] [e. g. band, group]dreiköpfig
furn. three-piece suite [Br.]Klubgarnitur {f} [mit drei Möbelstücken]
three-piece {adj} [attr.]aus drei Teilen bestehend [attr.]
automot. three-piece hardtop [auto roof]dreiteiliges Hardtop {n} [Fahrzeugdach]
curr. hist. three-dollar (gold) pieceDrei-Dollar-Münze {f}
cloth. A three-piece men's suit consists of a jacket, a waistcoat, and trousers. [Br.]Ein dreiteiliger Herrenanzug besteht aus Sakko, Gilet und Hose. [österr.]
Partial Matches
twelve-piece {adj} [attr.] <12-piece> [e.g. set]zwölfteilig <12-teilig> [z. B. Service]
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Sechser {m} [ugs., regional: 5-Cent-Stück]
On the count of three: ... (one - two - three!)Auf Drei: ... (Eins - Zwei - Drei!)
lit. F The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der verschollene Three-Quarter
electr. three-phase three-wire system <3-phase three-wire system, 3-phase 3-wire system>Drehstrom-Dreileitersystem {n} [auch: Drehstromdreileitersystem]
sports three-peat [also: threepeat] [Am.] [coll.]Three-Peat {m} [auch: Threepeat] [dreimaliger Sieg in Folge bei einer Meisterschaft]
curr. fifty-cent piece <50-cent piece>Fünfzigcentstück {n} <50-Cent-Stück>
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Fünfcentstück {n} <5-Cent-Stück>
curr. one-cent piece <1-cent piece>Eincentmünze {f} <1-Cent-Münze>
curr. ten-cent piece <10-cent piece>Zehncentstück {n} <10-Cent-Stück>
curr. twenty-cent piece <20-cent piece>Zwanzigcentstück {n} <20-Cent-Stück>
film F The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada [Tommy Lee Jones]Three Burials - Die drei Begräbnisse des Melquiades Estrada
pièce de résistancePièce {f} de résistance [veraltet]
math. stat. three-sigma rule <three-σ-rule, 3σ-rule>Drei-Sigma-Regel {f}
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Fünf-Cent-Stück {n} <5-Cent-Stück>
pieceBruchstück {n}
weapons pieceGeschütz {n}
games pieceSpielfigur {f}
cloth. statement pieceStatement-Piece {n}
comics film F One PieceOne Piece
pieceStein {m} [Brettspiel]
cloth. textil. piece-dyed {adj}stückgefärbt
to piece togetherzusammenbasteln
to piece togetherzusammenstellen
to piece togetherzusammenstückeln
to piece upzusammenstückeln
constr. tech. adapter pieceÜbergangsstück {n}
art relig. altar pieceAltargemälde {n}
constr. engin. tech. angle pieceWinkelstück {n}
art art pieceKunstwerk {n}
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