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English-German translation for: throat
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Dictionary English German: throat

Translation 1 - 50 of 170  >>

English German
NOUN   a throat | throats
SYNO   pharynx | throat
anat. VetMed. throat
Gurgel {f}
anat. throat
Hals {m} [Kehle, Rachen]
anat. VetMed. throat
Kehle {f}
anat. zool. throat
Rachen {m}
tech. throat [of a furnace, smelter] [ironworking]
Gicht {f} [von Schmelzöfen] [Hüttenkunde]
constr. throat [also: throating]
Wassernase {f}
2 Words: Others
cut-throat {adj}mörderisch
cut-throat {adj}unbarmherzig
2 Words: Verbs
to cut sb.'s throatjdm. den Hals abschneiden
to cut sb.'s throatjdm. die Kehle durchschneiden
to slit sb.'s throatjdm. die Kehle durchschneiden
2 Words: Nouns
orn. (goose's) throatGänseschlund {m} [Kehle]
geol. (volcanic) throatVulkanschlund {m} [Vulkanschlot]
automot. carburetor throat [Am.]Lufttrichter {m} [Vergaser]
constr. check throatWassernasenrinne {f} [z. B. eines Fensterbretts]
cut-throat [dated]Halsabschneider {m} [ugs.]
cut-throat [dated]Verbrechertyp {m} [ugs.]
deep throat[anonymer Informant, der brisante Informationen enthüllt]
deep throat [vulg.][eine Variante des Oralsex, bei der der Penis gänzlich im Rachen aufgenommen wird]
deep throat [vulg.]Kehlenfick {m} [vulg.]
dry throattrockener Hals {m}
tech. furnace throatFeuerluke {f}
aviat. nozzle throatDüsenhals {m}
parched throatausgedörrte Kehle {f}
parched throatausgetrocknete Kehle {f}
med. sore throatHalsentzündung {f}
med. sore throatHalsweh {n} [ugs.]
med. sore throatRachenentzündung {f}
med. sore throatrauer Hals {m} [Halsschmerzen]
med. sore throat {sg}Halsschmerzen {pl}
med. strep throat [Am.] [coll.]Halsentzündung {f}
throat (valve)Ventilbohrungskehle {f}
throat (valve)Ventilkehle {f}
med. throat cancer [specifically of the larynx]Kehlkopfkrebs {m}
med. throat compressHalswickel {m}
throat depthBügeltiefe {f} [beim Bügeln]
med. throat diseaseHalskrankheit {f}
med. throat diseaseHalsleiden {n} [veraltet]
tech. throat gap [electric welding] [IEC 60050]Armabstand {m} [Elektroschweißen] [IEC 60050]
zool. throat grooves [of a rorqual]Furchen {pl} [eines Furchenwals]
tech. throat height [Am.] [electric welding] [IEC 60050]Armabstand {m} [Elektroschweißen] [IEC 60050]
med. throat infectionHalsinfektion {f}
med. VetMed. throat injuryRachenverletzung {f}
pharm. throat lozengeHalsbonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
pharm. throat lozengeHalspastille {f}
pharm. throat lozengeLutschtablette {f}
pharm. throat lozengeHalstablette {f} zum Lutschen
audio throat microphoneKehlkopfmikrofon {n}
audio throat microphoneKehlkopfmikrophon {n}
throat mike [coll.]Kehlkopfmikro {n} [Mikrofon]
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A 2024-08-26: to be fed up with s.th. , to have it / s.th. up to here (often accompani...
A 2024-02-06: My inkling – have had the inside of their throat scratched
Q 2018-09-04: connective throat
A 2017-08-07: The front of the neck is the throat, but that can also be the inside (e.g....
A 2016-12-09: throat
Q 2016-12-09: throat working
A 2014-12-14: he brandished his sword at him, stopping (it) a hand's breadth short of hi...
A 2013-10-27: Here it is +mumps+ and here (Halsbräune) it is +inflammation of the throat...
A 2013-10-08: @MichaelK: Das gebe ich gleich ins dict ein ... throat rippers
A 2013-06-17: knot in stomach, throat or head .... but for different reason .....
A 2013-04-12: Sth. like the biggest lumps (that stick in your throat)?
A 2013-01-16: http://www.dict.cc/?s=strep+throat
Q 2013-01-16: To get sick with Strep throat.
A 2012-11-26: Frog in the throat / Frosch im Hals
A 2012-04-18: hoarseness < a hoarse throat
A 2011-02-22: +To clear your throat+ means
Q 2010-10-26: retched until his throat was raw
A 2010-08-24: I'm pretty sure it's a typo for "Ananasextrakt", something that singers us...
Q 2010-03-21: He grabbed his (own) throat
Q 2009-08-20: Kurzgeschichte "The Scream" von Briscoe, was heißt hier "the sick sticking...

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