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English-German translation for: through
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Dictionary English German: through

Translation 1 - 50 of 1337  >>

English German
ADJ   through | - | -
NOUN   through | throughs
SYNO   done | through | through with ... 
through {adv} {prep}
through {adv}
through {adv}
durch- [in Verbindung mit Verben, z. B. durchgehen]
through {prep} [as a result of]
wegen <wg.> [+Gen., ugs. auch +Dat.]
through {prep} [by means of]
mittels [+Gen.]
through {adj}
through {prep} [by means of]
vermittels [+Gen.]
through {adv}zu Ende
through {prep} [Am.]bis (einschließlich)
through {adv} [as a result of]aufgrund von [+Dat.]
2 Words: Others
all through {adv}durch und durch
asking throughdurchfragend
biting throughdurchbeißend
biting throughzerbeißend
bitten through {adj} {past-p}durchgebissen
breaking throughdurchbrechend
broken through {past-p}durchgebrochen
broken through {adj} {past-p} [e.g. tunnel]durchgeschlagen [z. B. Tunnel]
burning throughdurchbrennend
burnt through {past-p} [esp. Br.]durchgebrannt
button-through {adj}durchgeknöpft
chilled through {adj}verfroren [durchgefroren]
cut through {adj} {past-p}durchgeschnitten
cut through {past-p}durchschnitten
cutting throughdurchschneidend
drawing through [pulling through]durchziehend
drawn through {past-p}durchgezogen
flowing throughdurchfließend
flown through {past-p}durchflogen
flown through {past-p}durchgeflogen
flying throughdurchfliegend
forced through {past-p}durchgedrängt
forcing throughdurchdrängend
frozen through {adj} {past-p}durchgefroren
getting through {adj} {pres-p} [coll.] [spending completely]durchbringend
glanced through {past-p}überflogen [book, paper]
gleamed (through) {past-p}durchgeschimmert
going through {pres-p} [by vehicle]durchfahrend
gone through {past-p}durchgegangen
growing throughdurchwachsend
grown through {past-p}durchgewachsen
guided through {past-p}durchgeschleust
guiding throughdurchschleusend
halfway through {adv}halbwegs [veraltend] [auf halbem Wege]
halfway through {prep}inmitten [+Gen.] [Verlauf]
halfway through {adv}halb durch [Verlauf]
halfway through {adv}zur Hälfte
halfway through {adv}auf halbem Wege
halfway through {adv}in der Mitte [Verlauf]
halfway through {adv}nach der Hälfte [Verlauf]
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A 2023-11-23: Reverso is a trawler. Scrape the internet. Run the word/phrase through d...
Q 2023-02-08: hinged through the instep
A 2023-01-03: dann vielleicht: We will hopefully manage to carry him through (as we did ...
Q 2022-07-27: feed through
Q 2021-12-27: "sth. has been through the wash." vs. "sth. has been through the wash"
A 2021-11-28: 1. invoke/call the API 2. consult, talk through
A 2021-11-26: he presents (many) varied lines of vision through (die monumentale Mschatt...
Q 2021-10-05: to filter through [fig.] --- sich durchschlängeln
A 2021-09-07: a flock / flight of doves and a murder of crows were passing through each other
A 2021-09-07: ? cut through
A 2021-07-07: Eh komische Wortwahl, aber es ist eher slipping through
A 2021-03-23: Let's be fair, mates. +"pickled cabbage" "refining through fermentation."+...
A 2021-03-23: Nor does Google seem to like "Enhancement Through Fermentation"
A 2021-03-23: The +nutritional value" thingy seems to fall through altogether
A 2021-03-23: "pickled cabbage" "fortification through fermentation" don't do particular...
A 2021-03-23: Enrichment through fermentation
A 2021-03-23: Enhancement Through Fermentation
A 2021-03-23: Refining through fermentation
Q 2020-11-18: through
A 2020-09-12: to abrade through the veneer / surface / finish / top layer

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