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English-German translation for: throughout
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Dictionary English German: throughout

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

English German
SYNO   passim | throughout | end-to-end
throughout {adv}
throughout {adv}
throughout {adv}
durchgehend [die ganze Zeit hindurch]
throughout {adv} {prep}
throughout {prep}
zeit [+Gen.] [z. B. zeit meines Lebens]
throughout {adv}
durchwegs [österr.] [schweiz.] [südd.]
throughout {prep}im Verlauf [+Gen.]
throughout {adv}überall (in)
throughout {adv}ganz und gar
throughout {adv} [e.g. 2009]im gesamten Jahr [z. B. 2009]
throughout ... {adv}in ganz ...
2 Words: Others
from throughoutaus ganz
tenderly throughout {adv}durchwegs zart [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst ugs.]
throughout Austria {adj} [postpos.]österreichweit
throughout Europe {adv}europaweit
throughout Europe {adv}in ganz Europa
throughout Germany {adv}bundesweit [deutschlandweit]
throughout Germany {adv}in ganz Deutschland
throughout history {adv}zu allen Zeiten [im Laufe der Geschichte]
throughout life {adv}lebenslang
throughout Switzerland {adv}schweizweit
2 Words: Verbs
to permeate (throughout) [odor, attitude]sich ausbreiten (in)
3 Words: Others
British-made throughout {adj}100 % britischer Herkunft
throughout a period {adv} [of time]eine Zeit hindurch
throughout one's life {adv}zeitlebens
EU throughout the Community {adv}gemeinschaftsweit
throughout the country {adv}im ganzen Land
throughout the country {adv}durch das ganze Land
throughout the day {adv}den ganzen Tag lang [während des ganzen Tages]
throughout the day {adv}den ganzen Tag über
throughout the market {adv}am ganzen Markt
throughout the republic {adv}in der ganzen Republik
throughout the room {adv}im gesamten Raum
throughout the term {adv}während der ganzen Laufzeit
EU throughout the Union {adv}unionsweit
throughout the world {adv}weltweit
throughout the world {adv}in aller Welt
throughout the world {adv}auf der ganzen Welt
throughout the year {adv}ganzjährig
throughout the year {adv}im gesamten Jahr
throughout the year {adv}durch das ganze Jahr
throughout the year {adv}während des ganzen Jahres
throughout their history {adv}zeit ihrer Geschichte [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
3 Words: Verbs
to be present throughout sth. [e. g. history]sich durch etw.Akk. hindurchziehen [Redewendung]
to blaze abroad (throughout)verbreiten (in)
to spread throughout Germanyin ganz Deutschland verbreiten
4 Words: Others
all throughout the day {adv}den ganzen Tag lang
all throughout the year {adv}das ganze Jahr (über)
from throughout the world {adv}aus aller Welt
known throughout the city {adj}stadtkundig [veraltet] [stadtbekannt]
throughout all of timeüber alle Zeiten hinweg
throughout the (whole) year {adv}das ganze Jahr hindurch
throughout the entire term {adv}während der ganzen Laufzeit
throughout the euro zone {adv}innerhalb der Euro-Zone
hist. uniform throughout the empire {adj}reichseinheitlich
5+ Words: Others
EU ... throughout the Community and in any Community language. {adv}... in der gesamten Gemeinschaft und in allen Amtssprachen.
It is used throughout the euro zone.Es wird in der ganzen Euro-Zone verwendet.
Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants thereof.Verkünde Freiheit im ganzen Land für alle seine Bewohner. [Inschrift Freiheitsglocke, Übersetzung]
hist. throughout (the course of) history {adv}im Laufe der Geschichte
law throughout the term of the agreement {adv}während der gesamten Vertragslaufzeit
throughout the term of the loan {adv}während der Laufzeit des Darlehens
well-known throughout the regionin der ganzen Region bekannt
5+ Words: Verbs
to be interspersed throughout the textüber den ganzen Text verteilt sein
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A 2021-07-15: adopt throughout
A 2017-12-30: Well done! Posting your ad in +this+ forum will no doubt promote manual la...
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Q 2016-08-04: Opposite feet throughout
A 2015-10-28: (14:39) The US of North America would do well to have a tiny passage of th...
A 2015-09-14: This author is very imprecise throughout the article
A 2015-08-17: Beg to differ. If you take the train of thought throughout the paragraph, ...
Q 2015-02-10: at points throughout the groove
Q 2014-10-25: come throughout all the borders
A 2014-08-05: For the UK: register of wills - but officially there is no such thing thro...
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A 2014-01-14: Or: occured throughout
A 2013-11-21: an issue I had to deal with throughout ...
A 2013-10-24: ... Inversion throughout
A 2013-06-25: You can use "man" throughout, but "Sie" is more personal.
Q 2012-08-27: splicing stuck throughout
A 2012-02-13: No worries. Thanks. - I wrote "in" throughout. In God, in the time. God is...
A 2011-07-06: He thought she should ... +past tense+ throughout
Q 2011-05-31: sharing the flavors of our country, and spreading the seeds of our culture...

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