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Dictionary English German: thumb

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NOUN   a thumb | thumbs
SYNO   to finger | to thumb | pollex | thumb ... 
anat. thumb
Daumen {m}
comp. Internet thumb [coll.] [thumbnail picture]
Vorschaubild {n}
cloth. thumb [of a glove]Däumling {m} [regional] [Daumenteil eines Handschuhs]
2 Words: Others
thumb-indexed {adj}mit Daumenregister [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
to thumb through sth. [a book, a magazine, etc.]etw.Akk. durchblättern [ein Buch, eine Zeitschrift etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
anat. (thumb) padDaumenbeere {f}
med. neol. Blackberry thumb [BlackBerry® thumb] [a form of repetitive strain injury]Blackberry-Daumen {m} [BlackBerry®-Daumen]
med. broken thumbgebrochener Daumen {m}
med. clubbed thumbKlumpdaumen {m}
med. gamekeeper's thumb [coll.] [UCL tear, Stener lesion]Torwartdaumen {m} [ugs.] [Seitenbandruptur des Daumens, Stener-Läsion]
med. gamekeeper's thumb [UCL tear of the thumb]Torhüterdaumen {m} [Seitenbandruptur des Daumens]
med. gamer's thumb [de Quervain syndrome]Spielerdaumen {m} [ugs.]
med. hitchhiker's thumbGeldzähldaumen {m}
med. mommy thumb [Am.] [coll.] [de Quervain syndrome]Hausfrauendaumen {m} [Quervain-Krankheit] [ugs.]
med. mommy thumb [coll.] [de Quervain syndrome]Quervain-Krankheit {f} [Sehnenscheidenentzündung]
zool. opposable thumbopponierbarer Daumen {m}
med. skier's thumbSkidaumen {m}
med. SMS thumb [coll.] [thumb tendinitis, thumb tendonitis]SMS-Daumen {m} [ugs.]
med. thumb amputationDaumenamputation {f}
med. MedTech. thumb bandageDaumenverband {m}
tech. thumb brakeDaumenbremse {f}
comp. thumb driveUSB-Stick {m}
MedTech. thumb forceps {pl} [one pair]Pinzette {f}
MedTech. thumb forceps {pl} [one pair] [to grasp soft tissues]Gewebepinzette {f}
med. thumb fractureDaumenfraktur {f}
cloth. textil. thumb gusset [on gloves]Daumenzwickel {m} [an Handschuhen]
mus. thumb holeDaumenloch {n}
mus. thumb hook [trumpets]Daumenring {m} [Trompeten]
thumb indexDaumenregister {n}
med. thumb injuryDaumenverletzung {f}
anat. thumb limbDaumenglied {n}
tech. thumb nutFlügelmutter {f}
med. thumb orthosisDaumenorthese {f}
zool. thumb padBrunstschwiele {f}
mus. thumb pianoDaumenklavier {n}
mus. thumb pianoKalimba {f}
mus. thumb pianoMbira {f}
mus. thumb positionDaumenlage {f}
mus. thumb positionDaumen-Aufsatz {m}
thumb printDaumenabdruck {m}
MedTech. thumb prosthesisDaumenprothese {f}
med. thumb reconstructionDaumenersatz {m}
med. thumb reflexDaumenreflex {m}
thumb restDaumenstütze {f}
mus. thumb rest [e.g. on the clarinet]Daumenauflage {f} [z. B. auf der Klarinette]
thumb screwFingerschraube {f}
thumb screwLappenschraube {f}
med. thumb signDaumenzeichen {n}
thumb suckerDaumenlutscher {m}
thumb tack [Am.]Reißnagel {m}
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A 2024-08-28: alternativ: fat finger / fat thumb mistake
A 2023-05-02: Sorry for the thumb down ... just a fat finger mistake
A 2019-07-14: And see, another advantage of the thumb function! I can just upvote you in...
A 2016-12-11: USB flash drive, but also known as USB drive, USB stick, thumb drive, pen ...
A 2015-11-11: A reasonable rule of thumb
A 2015-11-08: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a5/Galvanic_cell_la...
A 2015-06-06: a huge thumb
Q 2015-06-05: knuckle of the thumb
A 2014-09-22: The heart isn't really this shape - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/...
A 2014-05-16: As a rule of thumb
A 2013-10-10: I never noticed anyone using the thumb rudely.
Q 2013-10-10: Middle Finger vs Thumb
A 2013-08-22: Restricting "superfluous" entries -- a rule of thumb
A 2013-06-01: Rule of thumb: the adverb modifies the main verb it stands next to
A 2013-04-30: rule of thumb
A 2013-01-28: rules of thumb
A 2013-01-23: sticking out like a sore thumb
A 2012-11-26: Hyphens in English: a suggested rule of thumb
A 2012-07-26: Rule of thumb
A 2011-12-01: I slammed the car door and forget that my thumb was in the way.

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