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English-German translation for: thunder
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Dictionary English German: thunder

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
NOUN   thunder | -
VERB  to thunder | thundered | thundered ... 
SYNO   to roar | to thunder | to boom | boom ... 
to thunder
to thunder
to thunder [torrent, waterfall]
meteo. to thunder
wettern [veraltend] [gewittern]
to thunder [on horseback]
sprengen [zu Pferd]
Donner {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to steal sb.'s thunder [idiom]jdm. das Rampenlicht stehlen [Redewendung]
to steal sb.'s thunder [idiom]jdm. die Schau stehlen [Redewendung]
to steal sb.'s thunder [idiom]jdm. den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen [Redewendung]
to thunder against sb./sth.gegen jdn./etw. wettern
to thunder against sth.gegen etw. donnern [ugs.] [lautstark agitieren]
to thunder pastvorbeidonnern
2 Words: Nouns
approaching thunderanrollender Donner {m}
growling thunderrollender Donner {m}
grumbling thunderrollender Donner {m}
rolling thunderDonnergrollen {n}
meteo. rolling thunderDonnerrollen {n}
rumbling thundergrollender Donner {m}
rumbling thunderrollender Donner {m}
theatre theatrical thunder [also fig.]Theaterdonner {m} [auch fig.]
meteo. thunder cloudsGewitterwolken {pl}
myth. relig. thunder godDonnergott {m}
mus. thunder machineDonnermaschine {f}
thunder mug [Am.] [coll.]Nachttopf {m}
mus. theatre thunder sheetDonnerblech {n}
meteo. thunder snowstormGewitterschneesturm {m}
mus. thunder stickSchwirrholz {n}
thunder thighsRiesenschenkel {pl}
thunder-stormGewitter {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to sound like thunderwie Donner klingen
3 Words: Nouns
idiom blood and thunderMord und Totschlag
clap of thunderDonnerkrachen {n}
clap of thunderDonnern {n}
clap of thunderDonnerschlag {m}
crack of thunderDonnerschlag {m}
echo of thunderDonnerhall {m}
hist. relig. god of thunderDonnergott {m}
peal of thunderDonnergang {m} [dichter.]
peal of thunderDonnern {n}
peal of thunderDonnerschlag {m}
peal of thunderGerummel {n} [nordd.] [Donnern]
peal of thunderdröhnender Donner {m}
roll of thunderDonnergrollen {n}
mil. thunder of cannonsKanonendonner {m}
4 Words: Others
meteo. There's thunder and lightning.Es donnert und blitzt.
4 Words: Nouns
blood-and-thunder novelReißer {m}
blood-and-thunder speechdonnernde Rede {f}
blood-and-thunder speechmelodramatische Rede {f}
5+ Words: Others
proverb A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.Ein gutes Gewissen ist ein sanftes Ruhekissen.
Damn, that's a real thunder! [sl.]Boah, is' das 'ne Dröhnung! [ugs.]
He stands there like a duck in a thunder storm. [idiom]Er steht da wie der Ochse vor dem Berge. [Redewendung]
meteo. lightning visible, no thunder heard [WMO code 13]sichtbares Wetterleuchten, kein Donner gehört
with a face like thunder {adv} [idiom]mit grimmiger Miene
5+ Words: Nouns
geogr. Land / Kingdom of the Thunder Dragon [Bhutan]Land / Reich {n} des Donnerdrachens
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film RadioTV F Blue ThunderDas fliegende Auge
film F Days of Thunder [Tony Scott]Tage des Donners
film F No Retreat, No Surrender 2: Raging Thunder [Corey Yuen]Karate Tiger 2
mus. F O eternity, you word of thunderO Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort [J. S. Bach, BWV 60]
mus. F Settle account! Word of thunderTue Rechnung! Donnerwort [J. S. Bach, BWV 168]
lit. F The Sound of Thunder [Wilbur Smith]Im Schatten seines Bruders / Meines Bruders Frau
RadioTV F Thunder [Rainbow Brite]Donner [Regina Regenbogen]
film F Thunder in the Sun [Russell Rouse]Donner in der Sonne
film F Thunder Mountain [Lew Landers] [1947]Der Colt sitzt locker
lit. F Thunder Point [Jack Higgins]Das Geheimnis von U 180
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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A 2016-06-30: https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Thund...
Q 2016-06-30: Thunder egg
A 2011-07-02: http://www.dict.cc/?s=to+steal+sb%27s+thunder
A 2010-09-01: Here's another way to take the thunder
A 2010-09-01: "When you are forced to take the thunder" - Aber was soll das denn bedeuten?
A 2009-01-22: Thunder could be said to (make a) din when it's loud. When it dims it is g...
A 2007-07-18: thunder roared over the plains. it was an elderly thunder with a good,
A 2007-04-11: blood and thunder
A 2007-02-28: I wish I hadn't said that: The first lightning and thunder just over the h...
A 2007-02-28: thunder and lightning here now... I hope this is not the end of the world
A 2006-08-31: actually the expression might be 'thunder in the air'?
A 2006-08-31: would not "thunder in the air" match it?
A 2004-06-13: Thunder Point
A 2004-06-13: “Thunder Point” is the title of a novel by Jack Higgins
Q 2004-06-13: thunder point
A 2004-04-24: isn't that some ancient german word for "thunder"? as in "dunnerlittchen"?

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