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English-German translation for: tiles
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Dictionary English German: tiles

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
NOUN   a tile | tiles
VERB  to tile | tiled | tiled
tiling | tiles
constr. sb. tiles
jd. kachelt
constr. sb. tiles
jd. verfliest
sb. tiles [a floor]
jd. fliest
Kacheln {pl}
constr. tiles
Plättli {pl} [schweiz.]
2 Words: Verbs
to lay tilesFliesen legen
constr. to lay tilesFliesen verlegen
2 Words: Nouns
(glazed) tilesFliesen {pl}
(glazed) tilesKacheln {pl}
constr. (roof) tilesDachziegel {pl}
bathroom tilesBadezimmerfliesen {pl}
constr. beavertail tilesBiber {pl} [Biberschwanzziegel]
constr. beavertail tilesBiberschwanzziegel {pl}
carpet tilesTeppichfliesen {pl}
ceramic tilesKeramikfliesen {pl}
decor tilesDekorfliesen {pl}
archi. art faience tilesFayencefliesen {pl}
archi. art faience tilesLüsterfliesen {pl} [veraltet; nur noch im Bereich der Architekturgeschichte gebräuchlich]
floor tilesBodenfliesen {pl}
art Iznik tilesIznik-Fliesen {pl}
kitchen tilesKüchenfliesen {pl}
archi. constr. marble tilesMarmorfliesen {pl}
paving tilesBodenfliesen {pl}
constr. paving tilesBodenplatten {pl}
archi. porphyry tilesPorphyrfliesen {pl}
archi. porphyry tilesPorphyrplatten {pl}
constr. roofing tilesDachziegel {pl}
stair tilesTreppenfliesen {pl}
constr. wall tilesWandfliesen {pl}
3 Words: Others
archi. constr. clad with tiles {adj} [postpos.] [roof]mit Ziegeln gedeckt
3 Words: Nouns
tech. heat shield tilesHitzeschutzkacheln {pl}
constr. luxury vinyl tiles <LVT>LVT-Fliesen {pl} [ugs.] [Luxusvinylfliesen, Designboden aus Vinyl]
porcelain stoneware tilesFeinsteinzeugfliesen {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
constr. under-and-over tiles [monks and nuns]Mönch- und Nonnenziegel {pl}
5+ Words: Others
archi. constr. The wall is clad in tiles.Die Wand ist mit Kacheln verkleidet. [österr.] [südd.] [mit Fliesen]
5+ Words: Verbs
to go out on the tiles [coll.]lumpen [ugs.]
to have a night on the tiles [coll.] [Br.] [idiom]einen draufmachen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
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Q 2020-10-25: Bitte um Erklärung - bracket clay tiles
Q 2018-01-30: website tiles
A 2016-05-19: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=tiles+website+design
A 2012-06-29: many commercial suppliers of digital maps allow the selection and the down...
A 2012-06-29: was not possible because of seperate map tiles
Q 2010-02-26: ceiling tiles > Deckenplatten
A 2010-01-27: strip/remove the grout from the floor tiles
A 2008-03-23: Or even "glass brick tiles" ( google)
A 2008-02-23: of course, whenever I'm not busy translating, laying tiles, papering walls,
A 2007-10-16: terracotta tiles are well known
A 2007-06-21: rubber slabs/tiles ?
A 2007-06-21: caoutchouk slabs/tiles ?
A 2007-06-11: Shingles are wooden tiles used on the roofs or sides of houses,
A 2006-07-14: lime- and sandstone tiles ??
A 2005-11-18: Four tiles of Vorteile
A 2005-10-08: when you work with tiles?

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