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English-German translation for: tire
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Dictionary English German: tire

Translation 1 - 50 of 173  >>

English German
NOUN   a tire | tires
VERB  to tire | tired | tired ... 
SYNO   to bore | to tire | tire | tyre ... 
to tire
to tiremüde werden
automot. tire [Am.]
Reifen {m} [an Rädern]
automot. tire [Am.]
Pneu {m} [schweiz.]
2 Words: Verbs
to tire of sb./sth.von jdm./etw. genug bekommen [überdrüssig werden]
to tire of sth./sb.etw. / jds. müde werden
to tire outabhetzen [Tiere]
to tire outermüden
to tire out(völlig) erschöpfen
to tire outlästig fallen
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. aircraft tire [Am.]Flugzeugreifen {m}
aviat. airplane tire [Am.]Flugzeugreifen {m}
automobile tire [Am.]Personenkraftwagenreifen {m}
automobile tire [Am.]Pkw-Reifen {m}
automot. back tire [Am.]Hinterreifen {m}
bald tire [Am.]abgefahrener Reifen {m}
bias tire [Am.]Diagonalreifen {m}
bike bicycle tire [Am.]Fahrradmantel {m}
bike bicycle tire [Am.]Fahrradreifen {m}
burst tire [Am.]Reifenplatzer {m}
automot. car tire [Am.]Autoreifen {m}
automot. car tire [Am.]Personenkraftwagenreifen {m}
conventional tire [Am.]Diagonalreifen {m}
conventional tire [Am.]konventioneller Reifen {m}
ind. cushion tire [Am.]Vollreifen {m}
automot. bike flat tire [Am.]Patschen {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [Reifenpanne]
automot. bike flat tire [Am.]Platten {m} [ugs.] [selten im Nom.]
flat tire [Am.]Plattfuß {m} [ugs.] [Reifenpanne]
flat tire [Am.]Reifenpanne {f}
automot. bike flat tire [Am.]platter Reifen {m}
front tire [Am.]Vorderreifen {m}
motorcycle tire [Am.]Motorradreifen {m}
bike mud tire [Am.]Schlammreifen {m}
traffic mudgrip tire [Am.]Matschreifen {m}
pneumatic tire [Am.]Luftreifen {m}
racing tire [Am.]Rennreifen {m}
automot. radial tire [Am.]Radialreifen {m}
automot. rear tire [Am.]Hinterradreifen {m}
automot. rear tire [Am.]Hinterreifen {m}
scooter tire [Am.]Rollerreifen {m}
automot. snow tire [Am.]Winterreifen {m}
spare tire [Am.]Ersatzreifen {m}
automot. spare tire [Am.]Reservereifen {m}
spare tire [Am.] [coll.] [hum.]Rettungsring {m} [hum.] [Fettpolster]
spare tire [Am.] [coll.] [hum.]Wohlstandsbauch {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
automot. studded tire [Am.]Spikereifen {m}
automot. summer tire [Am.]Sommerreifen {m}
automot. tire balance [Am.]Unwucht {f}
tire care [Am.]Reifenpflege {f}
automot. tire chain [Am.]Schneekette {f}
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Q 2018-08-28: tire: grooves - land portion
Q 2016-09-27: homologation approvals & wheel-tire
A 2016-07-21: check tire pressure ?!
A 2015-09-01: Tire casing tension.
Q 2013-05-18: Tire patch
Q 2013-05-18: To have a tire rotation
Q 2013-05-18: Tire change
A 2011-09-23: As Lisa said, the truck designation by tire is odd indeed.
A 2011-04-11: (tire) imprint ....??!
A 2010-10-29: The wheel radius (diameter : 2 or center of hub-to-tire surface) can be se...
A 2010-01-27: Aber +Radwechsel+ ist doch nicht spezifisch +tyre / tire rotation?+
A 2009-12-04: Damit eine terminol. Ausbeute fürs dict möglich ist: Gibt es einen deutsc...
Q 2009-04-13: Mobile-Tire-System ( Auto )
A 2008-12-28: Google: tire stabbing "tire stabbing"
A 2008-04-29: "truck tire washing apparatus" googles - American spelling of "tyre"
A 2006-10-23: a winter tire sluggard ??
Q 2004-10-19: tire jacket
A 2004-10-07: try tire/tyre noise or road noise

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