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English-German translation for: tired
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Dictionary English German: tired

Translation 1 - 50 of 95  >>

English German
ADJ   tired | more tired [also: tireder] | most tired [also: tiredest]
VERB  to tire | tired | tired ... 
tired {adj}
tired {adj} [boring, stale]
tired {adj} {past-p}
tired {adj}
tired {adj} {past-p}
ermattet [müde]
tired {adj}
unausgeschlafen [müde]
2 Words: Others
bone-tired {adj}hundemüde [ugs.]
corona-tired {adj} [rare] [also: Corona-tired]coronamüde
dead tired {adj} [coll.]abgekämpft
dead tired {adj} [coll.]todmüde [ugs.]
dead tired {adj} [coll.]sehr müde
deadly tired {adj}sterbensmüde [geh.]
deathly tired {adj}todmüde [ugs.]
dog-tired {adj} [coll.]hundemüde [ugs.]
dog-tired {adj} [coll.]hundsmüde [ugs.]
dog-tired {adj} [coll.]saumüde [ugs.]
dog-tired {adj} [coll.]sehr müde
dog-tired {adj} [coll.]todmüde [ugs.]
I'm tired.Ich bin müde.
more tired {adj}müder
most tired {adj}müdeste
pneumatic-tired {adj} [Am.]luftbereift
rubber-tired {adj} [Am.]gummibereift
terribly tired {adj}furchtbar müde [ugs.]
tired of {adj}überdrüssig [+Gen.]
tired out {adj}schlapp [ugs.]
tired out {adj}übermüdet
tired out {adj}übernächtigt
tired out {adj}überwacht [veraltet] [18./19. Jh.] [übernächtigt]
2 Words: Verbs
to be tiredmüde sein
to be tiredSchlaf haben [schweiz.] [südd.]
to be tiredeinen Schlaf haben [österr.] [ugs.]
to become tiredmüde werden
psych. to feel tired [from being sick]sich matt fühlen
to get tiredermüden
to get tiredmüde werden
2 Words: Nouns
tired manmüder Mann {m}
comm. stocks tired marketlahmer Markt {m}
3 Words: Others
a bit tired {adj}etwas müde
Are you tired?Bist du müde?
He's dead tired.Er ist todmüde. [ugs.]
more tired of {adj}überdrüssiger
tired and emotional {adj} [chiefly Br.] [euphem.: drunk]betrunken [im Englischen Bedeutungsspanne zwischen "angetrunken" und "sturzbetrunken"]
tired of change {adj}reformmüde
tired of civilization {adj}zivilisationsmüde
tired of corona {adj} [also: tired of Corona]coronamüde
tired of life {adj} [postpos.]lebensmüde
tired of office {adj}amtsmüde
Unverified tired of work {adj} [pred.]müde von der Arbeit
tired on Monday {adj} [postpos.]montagsmüde
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A 2024-08-25: https://www.dict.cc/?s=sick+and+tired
A 2024-04-28: all in: very tired, so you are unable to do anything more
A 2020-05-23: agree with school weariness ( = tired ore bored because you have been doin...
Q 2019-03-10: https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/06/two-tired/
A 2016-05-21: I'm absolutely tired of contradicting
Q 2015-11-21: tired of toeing the line
Q 2015-01-01: old tired clichés
A 2014-07-25: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?190737-Tired-of-Thread-Crapping
A 2014-01-22: I'm sorry about the above (2:27) mess. Was interrupted. Too tired to go on...
A 2013-05-20: tried and true vs. tired and outdated
Q 2013-05-09: to be tired of reason, I'm tired of reason
Q 2013-02-22: Rhotic r? tired, scared
A 2013-02-06: absolutely tired
A 2013-02-06: absolutely tired - a physical attribute
A 2013-02-06: 'Absolutely tired' sounds odd to me, I have heard the others used in conve...
A 2013-01-31: Suggestions: +die Schlafläuse haben > to be badly in need of sleep / to be...
A 2012-08-25: Yes, if he is tired,...
Q 2012-05-17: Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
A 2012-05-15: A man is not easy, tired. Family responsibilities
Q 2012-05-11: I know I'm missing something obvious because I'm tired

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