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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: titles
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Dictionary English German: titles

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
NOUN   a title | titles
VERB  to title | titled | titled
titling | titles
Titel {pl}
Überschriften {pl}
Namen {pl}
Rechtsansprüche {pl}
titles {pl} [collectively: appellations]Titulatur {f}
2 Words
sports championship titlesMeistertitel {pl}
film RadioTV closing titles {pl}Abspann {m}
sports doubles titles [tennis]Doppeltitel {pl}
film RadioTV opening titles {pl}Vorspann {m}
film roller titles [plural only]Rolltitel {pl}
film rolling titles [plural only]Rolltitel {pl}
sports singles titlesEinzeltitel {pl}
film RadioTV superimposed titleseingeblendete Titel {pl}
3 Words
law misuse of titlesMissbrauch {m} von Titeln
film roll-up titlesRolltitel {pl}
4 Words
libr. cataloguing of forthcoming titlesAufnahme {f} von Neuerscheinungen
libr. cataloguing of forthcoming titlesKatalogisieren {n} von Neuerscheinungen
libr. cataloguing of forthcoming titlesKatalogisierung {f} von Neuerscheinungen
cataloguing of new titlesNeuaufnahme {f}
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A 2023-02-05: By contrast, we capitalize much more in titles or headlines
A 2020-12-04: Typography: +Headings and publication titles+
Q 2020-07-08: Titles of literary works
Q 2019-05-19: Betrifft alle Einträge mit F (Fiction: Names and Titles in Literature, Fil...
Q 2019-05-02: AE Academic ranks and titles: Privatdozent = ?
Q 2017-01-24: Film and book titles.
Q 2016-12-29: GL 11--Names and titles of works of fiction
Q 2016-12-28: Literature & Film titles don't get gender tags, right?
Q 2015-09-01: Capitalisation of job titles (departmental heads)
Q 2014-11-28: Rules for enetering titles of musical and literary works
A 2013-08-21: OK, but that holds for 'staple titles' only: e.g. A Midsummer Night's Dre...
A 2013-08-21: Because dict.cc is about translating, mightn't this site be the wrong site...
Q 2013-08-21: Foreign film titles
A 2013-03-20: Titles
A 2013-02-09: For some whimsical titles see The Boston Globe, February 6, 2013
A 2013-01-26: A note on the Titles Deprivation Act
A 2013-01-14: Sub-titles
A 2012-11-06: Yes, capital letters - as e.g. in headlines, job titles, everything that's...
Q 2012-09-28: how to translate academic titles into English
A 2012-06-08: Titles

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Title VII cases
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