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English-German translation for: to scrap
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Dictionary English German: to scrap

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

VERB  to scrap | scrapped | scrapped ... 
to scrapabwracken [bes. Schiff]
to scrapausmustern
to scrapausrangieren
tech. to scrapaussondern [ausrangieren, ausmustern]
to scrapverschrotten
to scrapwegwerfen
to scrapin Stücke zerlegen
to scrapzum alten Eisen werfen
to scrap [esp. Am.] [coll.] [to fight]sich raufen
Keywords contained
to scrap sth. [coll.] [idea, plan etc.]etw.Akk. fallenlassen [Rsv.] [Idee, Plan etc.]
to scrap sth. [idea, plan, theory]etw.Akk. verwerfen [Idee, Plan, Theorie]
to scrap sth. [laws, regulations, tests, etc.]etw.Akk. abschaffen [Gesetze, Regelungen, Tests usw.]
to collect scrapSchrott sammeln
to produce scrap [coll.]Schwund machen
to scrap (over)sich balgen (um)
to scrap over sth. [coll.]sichAkk. um etw.Akk. streiten
to go for scrapverschrottet werden
to scrap a planeinen Plan verwerfen
to scrap a projectein Projekt verwerfen
to scrap sth. as uselessetw. als nutzlos wegwerfen
to sell sth. for scrapetw. zum Verschrotten verkaufen
to be on the scrap heap [person] [fig.]zum alten Eisen gehören [ugs.]
to be on the scrap heap [person] [fig.]zum alten Eisen zählen [ugs.]
to be on the scrap heap [plan, idea] [fig.]verworfen werden
to be thrown on the scrap heap [idea]über Bord geworfen werden [fig.]
to be thrown on the scrap heap [thing]zum Schrott geworfen werden
to end up on the scrapheap / scrap heap [fig.] [idiom]beim alten Eisen landen [fig.] [Redewendung]
to get into a scrap with sb. [coll.]mit jdm. in die Wolle geraten [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom to not have a scrap of sensenicht für einen Sechser Verstand haben [ugs.]
idiom to put / throw / toss sb. on to the scrap heapjdn. aufs Abstellgleis schieben
sports to put / throw / toss sb. on to the scrap heap [player]jdn. ausmustern
to sell a ship for scrapein Schiff als Schrott verkaufen
idiom to throw sb. on the scrap heapjdn. zum alten Eisen werfen
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A 2015-02-14: Datenextraktion > data scraping (websites) - - - to scrape content (singul...
A 2012-02-11: it means: to live scrooge-like, not necessarily in order to scrape a livin...
Q 2010-11-29: Tricky sentence/to scrap the showbiz setting
A 2009-03-11: to scrape a third ...
A 2009-03-11: To scrape (not scrap) - to only just manage something
Q 2009-03-11: to scrap a Third
A 2008-09-05: Hmmm....dann also "scrape off/away" to scrape off/away around the fingers?
A 2008-03-19: wahrscheinlich to scrape up / he scraped himself up (sonst macht es keinen Sinn)
A 2007-08-24: ... what do you want to scrap and build up again ??? context
Q 2006-05-11: to scrap a law

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