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English-German translation for: to cover sth with artificial snow
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Dictionary English German: to cover sth with artificial snow

Translation 1 - 50 of 34743  >>

to cover sth. with artificial snowetw.Akk. beschneien
Partial Matches
to cover with sth.mit etw.Dat. verhängen
constr. to cover sth. with concreteetw.Akk. zubetonieren
med. to cover sth. with ointmentetw.Akk. mit Salbe abdecken
med. to cover sth. with ointmentetw. mit Salbe bestreichen
med. to cover sth. with ointmentetw. mit Salbe einstreichen
to cover sth. with thornsetw.Akk. bedornen
to cover sth. with writingetw. vollschreiben
to snow sb. under with sth. [idiom]jdn. mit etw.Dat. eindecken [ugs.] [überhäufen]
to cover sth. with a tarpaulinetw.Akk. abplanen [mit einer Plane bedecken]
cosmet. to cover sth. with make-upetw.Akk. mit Schminke abdecken
to cover sth. with mirrors [walls etc.]etw. verspiegeln [Wände etc.]
med. to cover sth. with a plaster [wound]ein Pflaster drauf tun [ugs.]
bot. hort. to cover sth. with tendrils [also: ... with creepers]etw. beranken
to cover with curtainszuhängen
to cover with eartheinscharren
to cover with insultsmit Beleidigungen zudecken
to cover with mossmit Moos bedecken
to cover oneself with gloryRuhm ernten
to cover over with rubbish [Br.]zumüllen [ugs.]
to cover sb. with (hot) kissesjdn. mit (heißen) Küssen bedecken
to cover with make-up [blemishes etc.]überschminken
med. to cover a wound with a bandageeine Wunde mit einem Verband versorgen
to not exactly cover oneself with glorysichAkk. nicht gerade mit Lorbeer bekränzen [Redewendung]
to write one's name in the snow with peeseinen Namen in den Schnee pinkeln
med. to cover a wound with a plaster [Br.]ein Pflaster über eine Wunde kleben
to cover sb.'s body with (hot) kissesjds. Körper mit (heißen) Küssen bedecken
med. to cover a wound with a plaster (strip) [Br.]eine Wunde mit einem Heftpflaster abdecken
to cover sb. with a blanket [e.g. the patient]jdn. mit einer Decke zudecken [z. B. den Patienten]
to snow sth. underetw. unter Schnee begraben
to cover sth.etw.Akk. belegen [bedecken]
to cover sth.etw.Akk. kuvrieren [veraltet] [bedecken]
to cover sth.etw.Akk. überdecken
to cover sth.etw.Akk. überkleiden [geh.] [veraltend]
to cover sth.etw.Akk. überziehen
to cover sth.etw.Akk. umziehen [selten] [nach und nach bedecken]
journ. to cover sth.über etw.Akk. berichten
to cover sb./sth.jdn./etw. bedecken
to cover sb./sth.jdn./etw. einhüllen
to cover sth. [expenses]etw.Akk. vergüten [Kosten, Auslagen]
to cover sth. [to line]etw.Akk. auslegen [mit Papier, Plastikfolie etc.]
to cover sth. [topic]etw.Akk. behandeln [Thema]
fin. to cover sth. (financially)etw.Akk. bedecken [österr.] [finanziell abdecken]
to cover sth. upetw.Akk. verkleistern [ugs.] [verschleiern, übertünchen] [z. B. Widersprüche]
to cover sth. [a book]etw. einschlagen [ein Buch mit einem Schutzumschlag versehen]
to cover sth. [a distance]etw.Akk. durchmessen [geh.] [Strecke]
tech. to cover sth. [with planks]etw.Akk. verschalen [mit Holzbohlen]
to cover sth. up [fig.]etw.Akk. vertuschen
to cover sth. against damagesetw.Akk. gegen Verluste sichern
to take cover (from sth.)(vor etw.Dat.) Schutz suchen
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