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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: to gamble one's money away speculating
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to gamble one's money away speculating in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: to gamble one's money away speculating

Translation 1 - 50 of 9148  >>

to gamble one's money away speculatingsich mit Spekulationen verzocken [ugs.]
Partial Matches
to gamble away one's money playing dicesein Geld verwürfeln
idiom to gamble away the roof over one's headHaus und Hof verspielen
to throw (one's) money awaymit dem (seinem) Geld aasen [ugs.] [bes. nordd.]
to fool away one's money [idiom]sein Geld vergeuden
to smoke one's money away [coll.]sein Geld verqualmen [ugs.]
to gamble with one's lifesein Leben aufs Spiel setzen
idiom to gamble with one's (own) lifemit dem (eigenen) Leben (Hasard) spielen
to gamble awayverzocken [ugs.]
to gamble away [money, chances]verspielen [Geld, Chancen]
to wipe away sb.'s / one's tearsjdm. / sich die Tränen abwischen
to get one's money's worthauf seine Kosten kommen [Redewendung]
to get one's money's worthetwas für sein Geld bekommen
law to claim one's moneyauf Zahlung klagen
to claim one's moneyGeld fordern
fin. to manage one's moneysein Geld einteilen
to waste one's moneysein Geld verschwenden
to blow one's money [coll.]Geld sinnlos ausgeben
to blow one's money [coll.]sein Geld auf den Kopf hauen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to call in one's moneysein Geld zurückfordern
to come into one's moneysein Erbe antreten
to live on one's moneyvon seinem Geld leben
to spend all one's moneyall sein Geld ausgeben
to splash one's money aboutmit seinem Geld herumschmeißen [ugs.]
to dawdle away one's timeseine Zeit vertrödeln [ugs.] [pej.]
to dawdle one's time awayseine Zeit vertrödeln [ugs.] [pej.]
to fritter away one's energiesseine Kräfte zersplittern
to fritter away one's timeplempern [regional]
to fritter one's life awaysein Leben vergeuden
to give one's life awaysein Leben dahingeben [geh.] [poet.]
to idle away one's timeden ganzen Tag auf der faulen Haut liegen [Redewendung]
to laugh away one's troublesdurch Lachen seine Sorgen verscheuchen
to trifle away one's timeseine Zeit vertrödeln
to turn one's face awaydas Gesicht wegkehren
to waste away one's lifesein Leben verpennen [ugs.]
to weep away one's lifesein Leben in Tränen zubringen
to while away one's timeseine Zeit vertrödeln
to chuck one's money about [coll.]mit seinem Geld herumwerfen [ugs.]
to put one's money on sth.auf etw. wetten
to slather one's money around [Am.]sein Geld mit vollen Händen ausgeben
to spend one's money on sth.sein Geld in etw.Akk. umsetzen [fig.] [selten]
to ask for one's money backsein Geld zurückverlangen
to put one's money to worksein Geld arbeiten lassen
idiom to scrape up the / one's moneydas / sein Geld zusammenkratzen [ugs.]
to waste one's money on prostitutessein Geld verhuren [salopp] [pej.]
to riot away one's days [dated]sich ausleben
to run away from one's duties(vor) seinen Pflichten davonlaufen
to run away from one's family(vor) seiner Familie davonlaufen
to run away from one's husbandvon seinem Ehemann davonlaufen
to run away from one's parentsvon seinen Eltern davonlaufen
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