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English-German translation for: to issue
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Dictionary English German: to issue

Translation 1 - 50 of 154  >>

VERB  to issue | issued | issued ... 
fin. stocks to issueauflegen
hydro. to issueausfließen
admin. to issueausstellen
fin. stocks to issueemittieren
publ. to issueherausbringen
journ. publ. to issueherausgeben
journ. publ. to issuepublizieren
journ. publ. to issuerausgeben [ugs.]
libr. to issueverbuchen
law to issue [a law etc.]erlassen [Gesetz, Verordnung etc.]
to issue [archaic]abstammen [von einer bestimmten Person]
to issue [break forth, burst forth]hervorbrechen
to issue [come forth, emerge]herauskommen
to issue [deliver, submit]liefern
admin. to issue [document]ausfertigen
comm. fin. to issue [e.g. letter of credit]eröffnen [z. B. Akkreditiv]
to issue [emit, pour out]ausströmen
to issue [hand over]ausfolgen [bes. österr.: aushändigen]
to issue [make public]in Umlauf setzen
to issue [orders]erteilen [Befehle]
to issue [supply with]ausrüsten
to issue [warning, declaration]aussprechen [Warnung etc.]
Keywords contained
insur. to issue sth. [an insurance policy]etw. policieren
to issue sth. [an order, a warning; coins, banknotes, stocks, etc.]etw.Akk. ausgeben [einen Befehl, eine Warnung; Münzen, Banknoten, Aktien etc.]
to issue sth. [distribute, deal out]etw. zuteilen
to issue sth. [put forth, publish, esp. officially]etw.Akk. erstellen [anfertigen]
fin. spec. stocks to issue sth. [securities, stocks, etc.]etw.Akk. begeben [Wertpapiere etc.] [in Umlauf setzen, emittieren]
to issue sth. [supply]etw. verteilen
to issue bondsSchuldverschreibungen ausgeben
to issue coinsMünzen ausgeben
to issue forth [literary]hervordringen [geh.]
to issue fromherrühren von
to issue from sth. [a wish, a desire]etw.Dat. entspringen [fig.]
to issue from sth. [liquid, gas, smoke etc.]aus etw.Dat. austreten [quellen]
to issue from sth. [sound]aus etw.Dat. herausdringen [Töne, Stimmen etc.]
to issue instructionsAnweisungen geben
to issue instructionsWeisungen erteilen
hydro. to issue into sth. [river]in etw.Akk. münden [Fluss]
mil. to issue ordersAnweisungen erteilen
mil. to issue ordersBefehle erteilen
to issue sb. with sth.jdn. mit etw.Dat. ausstatten
to re-issuewiederveröffentlichen
to re-issuewieder veröffentlichen
to abide the issueauf den Ausgang warten
to accommodate an issueeine Anleihe unterbringen
to avoid the issueaussteigen
to avoid the issuedie Erörterung vermeiden
to await the issueden Ausgang abwarten
to be an issueeine Rolle spielen [Redewendung]
to be an issue [problem]ein Problem sein
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A 2019-03-19: ausfertigen > (here) to issue / (of the judge / civil servant in charge) to sign
Q 2018-04-07: to issue a retraction, to issue an apology
Q 2015-06-16: "to issue a password"
Q 2014-07-18: to issue a lecture
A 2013-02-13: to issue a document = erstellen ... : correct
A 2012-12-10: On analogy (see below): sensitive to issues of values
A 2012-03-21: to issue a decision on the release of the estate for tax purposes / issuin...
A 2011-11-13: not the first meaning that comes to mind, be sure to issue context
A 2010-03-02: Looks like the +basic reason for issuing a letter of comfort+ or the +gene...
A 2010-01-05: ... to invest in special asset funds and to issue share certificates for t...
A 2009-07-22: to issue( raise / make out ) the invoices.... themselves ??
A 2008-01-15: The closest approximation in the Anglo-Saxon judiciary would be: to issue ...
A 2007-12-13: to issue the each...?
A 2007-06-21: "structural" often refers to issues of stability
A 2007-05-15: a doctor with the permission/entitlement to issue invoices
A 2006-07-03: to issue a negative certificate/report?
A 2005-12-14: goes back to issues....then ...
A 2005-12-10: authority to issue instructions (technical)
A 2004-12-15: authority/powers to issue instructions/directives
Q 2004-06-20: Herausgabe - to issue?

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