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English-German translation for: to put it
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Dictionary English German: to put it

Translation 1 - 50 of 2240  >>

Keywords contained
to put it bluntlysichAkk. krass ausdrücken
to put it bluntlydirekt gesagt
to put it bluntlyum es ganz offen zu sagen
to put it bluntly {adv}um es krass zu sagen [ugs.]
to put it briefly {adv}kurz gesagt
to put it candidly {adv}aufrichtig gesagt
idiom to put it charitablyum es freundlich auszudrücken
to put it crudely, ... {adv}salopp gesagt, ...
to put it mildly {adv}gelinde gesagt
to put it simply {adv}einfach gesagt
to put it simplyum es einfach auszudrücken
to put it simply {adv}vereinfacht ausgedrückt
to put it succinctly {adv}kurz gesagt
to put it to sb.es jdm. anheimstellen [geh.]
to put it mildly {adv} [coll.]gelinde ausgedrückt [ugs.]
to put it less technicallyes weniger schulmäßig ausdrücken
to put it another wayanders formuliert
to put it another way {adv}anders gesagt
to put it another way {adv}mit anderen Worten
to put it another wayum es anders auszudrücken
to put it another wayum es anders zu formulieren
to put it less formally {adv}weniger schulmäßig ausgedrückt [veraltend]
to put it less technically {adv}weniger schulmäßig ausgedrückt
to put it about [Br.] [sl.]herumhuren [pej.]
to put it to sb. that ...jdm. nahelegen, dass ...
to put it to sb. that ...jdm. zu bedenken geben, dass ...
to put it at its simplestum es ganz einfach auszudrücken
idiom to put a figure on iteine genaue Zahl sagen
idiom to put some oomph into itDampf dahinter machen
to put it on [coll.] [act sth.]so tun, als ob [ugs.] [vortäuschen]
idiom to put a bold face on itein freches Gesicht aufsetzen
to put a jerk in it [idiom]tüchtig rangehen
to put it the other way roundumgekehrt formuliert
to put a finer point on it / thatetwas präziser / genauer werden
to put a spoke in it [coll.] [idiom]dazwischenfunken [ugs. für: etw. vereiteln]
to put one's foot in it [idiom]in ein Fettnäpfchen treten [Redewendung]
to put one's foot in it [idiom]ins Fettnäpfchen treten [Redewendung]
to put one's foot in it [coll.] [idiom]sichDat. das Maul verbrennen [derb] [Redewendung]
to put one's foot in it [coll.] [idiom]sichDat. den Mund verbrennen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [sich durch unbedachtes Reden schaden]
to put one's foot in it [coll.] [idiom]sichDat. die Schnauze verbrennen [salopp] [Redewendung]
sports to put it away [coll.] [score a goal] [football / soccer]das Ding reinmachen [ugs.] [den Ball ins Tor schießen] [Fußballjargon]
to put (one's) heart and soul into it [idiom]mit Leib und Seele dabei sein [Redewendung]
to put a figure on it [idiom] [give an exact figure (for sth.)]eine genaue / konkrete Zahl nennen
to put sth. behind it [e.g. a filing card behind another one, a picture postcard behind the mirror]etw.Akk. dahinterstecken [ugs.] [hinter etw. platzieren; z. B. eine Karteikarte hinter eine andere, eine Ansichtskarte hinter den Spiegel]
Partial Matches
to putausgeben
to puthintun [ugs.]
to putlegen
to putsetzen
to putstecken
to putstellen
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A 2018-10-02: romy, when doing so do not forget to put it in the forum, too.
Q 2018-08-05: to put it bluntly
Q 2016-08-24: Is this translation right resp. is there a way to put it better?
A 2016-08-15: To put it another way
A 2015-08-14: Ok, I'm going to put it into dict tomorrow...
A 2014-08-05: To put it bluntly,.......
A 2014-06-30: No (to put it bluntly) ;-)
A 2013-08-15: to put it mildly, with a pinch of salt
A 2011-03-08: I'll try to put it differently -
A 2011-01-25: I can roughly imagine what it might be, but don't know how to put it into ...
A 2010-06-10: another way to put it
A 2010-02-23: @Lila: Of course cou can - you just have to put it in uppercase:
Q 2009-09-28: to put it on the credit card
A 2009-08-27: or, to put it differently: sympathy is just a feeling, compassion prompts acting
A 2008-12-15: It would be easier to put it in a sentence ...
A 2008-12-01: to see it in (its proper) perspective / to put it in context ?
Q 2008-11-16: 'to put it . . .'
A 2008-06-20: Thanks a lot - "to put it bluntly" is no doubt the best solution!
A 2008-06-20: oder: To put it bluntly, the interest system ...
A 2008-05-30: what a stupid way to put it, entfristen is a terrible word, but I think it means

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