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English-German translation for: to tap
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Dictionary English German: to tap

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

VERB  to tap | tapped | tapped ... 
to tapabgreifen
to tapanschließen
to tapklopfen
to tappochen [leise]
med. to tappunktieren
dance to tapsteppen
to tapFass anstechen
to tapleicht anklopfen
to tapleicht klopfen
to tapleicht schlagen
to tapSchlacke abstechen
electr. to tapSpannung abgreifen
dance to tapStepp tanzen
to tap [strike gently]tippen [antippen, leicht und kurz berühren]
tech. to tap [to cut a female screw thread]Gewinde schneiden [Innengewinde]
Keywords contained
to tap sb. [Am.]jdn. auswählen
to tap sb. [sl.]jdn. flachlegen [ugs.]
to tap sb. [sl.]jdn. nageln [ugs.]
to tap sth.etw.Akk. antippen
to tap sth.etw.Akk. erschließen [Rohstoffquellen etc.]
med. to tap sth.etw. perkutieren [abklopfen]
constr. to tap sth.etw.Akk. mit einem Zapfen / Hahn versehen
to tap sth. [barrel, tree, telephone etc.]etw.Akk. anzapfen [Fass, Baum, Telefon usw.]
to tap sth. [barrel]etw.Akk. anstechen [Fass]
brew oenol. to tap sth. [beer, wine]etw.Akk. zapfen
brew oenol. to tap sth. [cask, barrel]etw.Akk. anschlagen [österr.] [anzapfen]
to tap sth. [e.g. a liquid]etw. abzapfen [z. B. eine Flüssigkeit]
to tap sth. [e.g. a wall; doctor: sb.'s chest, etc.]etw.Akk. abklopfen [z. B. eine Wand; Arzt: jds. Brust etc.]
tech. to tap sth. [form an internal screw thread in by means of a tap]etw.Akk. mit einem Gewinde versehen
tech. to tap sth. [slag etc.]etw. abstechen [Schlacke etc.]
tech. to tap (in)einschlagen [z. B. Stifte]
to tap into sth.etw. anzapfen
to tap into sth.sichDat. etw. nutzbar machen
to tap into sth.sichDat. etw.Akk. zu Nutze machen [Redewendung]
sports to tap outabklopfen [aufgeben]
to tap sb. (for sth.) [coll.]jdn. (um etw.Akk.) anpumpen [ugs.]
to tap sb. outjdn. zur Aufgabe zwingen
cosmet. to tap sth. (in)etw.Akk. einklopfen [Creme]
dance to tap-dancesteppen
dance to tap-danceStepp tanzen
to tap a caskein Fass anzapfen
to tap a lineein Telefon abhören
comm. econ. to tap a marketeinen Markt erschließen
to tap a wireein Telefon anzapfen
to tap new resourcesneue Quellen erschließen
to tap one's foreheadsichDat. an die Stirn tippen
to tap one's toesmit den Zehen wippen
to tap sb. for money [Br.] [coll.]jdn. (um Geld) anschnorren [ugs.]
to tap the phonedas Telefon anzapfen [ugs.]
to tap the reservesdie Rücklagen angreifen
to tap the wireStrom abzapfen
telecom. to tap a telephone lineeine Telefonleitung anzapfen [ugs.]
to tap at the doorleicht an die Tür klopfen
econ. to tap into new marketsneue Märkte erschließen
to tap on the doorleicht an die Tür klopfen
to tap one's forehead at sb. [to indicate sb. is stupid]jdm. den / einen Vogel zeigen [Redewendung]
to tap sb. on the shoulderjdm. auf die Schulter tupfen
econ. to tap the capital marketden Kapitalmarkt anzapfen
to tap the full potentialdas Potenzial voll ausschöpfen
for. to tap trees for resinBäume harzen
to turn on the taplosflennen
to turn on the tap [idiom]losheulen [ugs.]
to tap / knock out a pipe [smoking]eine Pfeife ausklopfen [Rauchen]
to tap away at the keysauf den Tasten rumdrücken [ugs.]
to tap gentle at / on the doorsachte an die Tür klopfen
to tap into a phone conversationein Telefongespräch abhören
fin. to tap new resources of creditneue Kreditquellen erschließen
mus. to tap one's foot in time to the musicmit dem Fuß den Takt klopfen
mus. to tap one's foot in time to the musicmit dem Fuß den Takt schlagen
telecom. to tap out a (Morse code) message [coll.]eine Botschaft morsen
to tap the ash off one's cigaretteaschen
to tap the ash off one's cigaretteseine Zigarettenasche abklopfen
to tap the ash off one's cigarettedie Asche von seiner Zigarette abklopfen
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Q 2022-11-09: Kann man das so sagen? etw. abzapfen / etw. anzapfen - to tap sth. / to ta...
Q 2022-11-08: "to tap sth.", "sich etw. zu Nutze machen"
Q 2014-11-01: to tap in and tap out
Q 2012-06-29: to tap send
Q 2011-09-27: was bedeutet "to tap"?
Q 2010-08-21: to tap
A 2010-06-01: Thread= +Innengewinde+, to tap=+Innen+gewinde schneiden
A 2010-06-01: to tap a screw
A 2009-11-10: to tape > aufzeichnen (auf Band)
Q 2009-08-22: to tap someone on the shoulder
A 2008-10-08: He has the expertise we need and also want to tap
Q 2008-08-01: to tap into sth
Q 2008-06-16: to tap into sth.
A 2007-11-07: Hence: umkleben > to wrap and glue, to tape round
Q 2007-06-11: to tap in to sth.
A 2005-07-31: to tape the behavior

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