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English-German translation for: tobacco
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Dictionary English German: tobacco

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NOUN   a tobacco | tobaccos/tobaccoes
SYNO   tobacco | tobacco plant | baccy
Tabak {m}
Tobak {m} [veraltet]
bot. T
Tabak {m}
2 Words: Others
tobacco-coloured {adj} [Br.]tabakfarben
tobacco-free {adj}tabakfrei
bot. chem. tobacco-specific {adj}tabakspezifisch
2 Words: Verbs
to chew tobaccopriemen [einen Priem kauen]
to chew tobaccoTabak kauen
to cut tobaccoTabak schneiden
agr. to grow tobaccoTabak anbauen
2 Words: Nouns
(smoking) tobaccoRauchtabak {m}
hist. (tobacco) hogshead[großes Tabakfass aus Holz]
(tobacco) snuffingTabakschnupfen {n}
American snus [USA] [dipping tobacco, dip, e.g. Copenhagen®]Smokeless Tobacco {m} [amerikanischer Snus]
Cavendish (tobacco)Cavendish {m} [Plattentabak]
chewing tobaccoKautabak {m}
chewing tobaccoPriem {m} [Kautabak]
cigar tobaccoZigarrentabak {m}
cigarette tobaccoZigarettentabak {m}
colonial tobaccoKolonialtabak {m}
dipping tobaccoDip-Kautabak {m}
filler tobacco [cigar]Einlagetabak {m} [Zigarre]
flake tobaccoFlaketabak {m}
handrolling tobaccoDrehtabak {m}
handrolling tobaccoWuzeltabak {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.]
Havana (tobacco)Havanna {m} [Zigarrentabak]
loose tobaccoloser Tabak {m}
Oriental tobaccoOrienttabak {m}
pipe tobaccoPfeifentabak {m}
plug tobaccoPlug-Tabak {m}
pressed tobaccoPresstabak {m}
agr. ind. raw tobaccoRohtabak {m}
raw tobaccounverarbeiteter Tabak {m}
roll tobaccoRollentabak {m}
rolling tobaccoFeinschnitt {m} [Feinschnittttabak]
sauced tobaccogesoßter Tabak {m}
shag (tobacco)Shagtabak {m}
smokeless tobacco [chewing tobacco]Kautabak {m}
smokeless tobacco [snuff]Schnupftabak {m}
snuff tobaccoSchnupftabak {m}
spice tobaccoGewürztabak {m} [selten] [Würztabak]
spice tobaccoWürztabak {m}
spit tobaccoKautabak {m}
tobacco abstinenceTabakabstinenz {f}
drugs tobacco addictionTabakabhängigkeit {f}
psych. tobacco addictionTabaksucht {f}
tobacco advertisingTabakwerbung {f}
tobacco blendTabakmischung {f}
tobacco boxTabaksdose {f}
tobacco boxesTabaksdosen {pl}
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Q 2017-11-06: smoke and tobacco free
A 2013-11-14: Numeric distribution (in % of basic total stocking tobacco / selling tobac...
A 2013-10-23: "tobacco kills every six seconds " ..... http://www.who.int/mediacentre/...
A 2013-10-08: @ Windfall, I do understand how smoking / chewing tobacco differ from drinking.
A 2013-10-03: "tubing tobacco" scheint auf jeden Fall zu passen.
A 2013-10-03: A tobacco portion to be filled or stuffed into a cigarette stuffing device
A 2013-10-01: Germany should consider taxing the U.S. for having introduced tobacco to E...
A 2013-09-26: Tobacco beetles - though land-bound - have wings. They may be said to fly ...
A 2011-12-15: afterward, he felt bad for the man, so he gave him tobacco.
A 2009-04-20: after tobacco-warnings on cigarette packets now capitalism-warnings on banknotes
A 2008-06-30: there are many restrictions on tobacco (product) advertising
A 2008-01-03: http://www.who.int/tobacco/en/atlas8.pdf
A 2006-10-17: I don't think you can 'optimize' tobacco
A 2006-10-17: baccy the product technology of which was optimized for use as pipe tobacco
A 2006-10-17: nasty....tobacco which was techniclly improved/refined for use as pipe tobacco?
Q 2005-11-15: "To dip tobacco"
A 2005-01-18: Tobacco, smoked by many in Germany, grows (is grown) in Asia and Africa
A 2004-06-11: "alcohol, tobacco and firearms"

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