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English-German translation for: today's
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Dictionary English German: today's

Translation 1 - 40 of 40


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today's {adj}
today's {adj}
today's {adj}
today's {adj}heutiges
today's {adj}von heute [nachgestellt]
today's {adj} [attr.]der Gegenwart [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Middle Germany [Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia seen as a cultural region in today's south-eastern Germany]Mitteldeutschland {n} [z. B. mitteldeutsche Wirtschaftsverbände]
today's arrangementsdie heutigen Veranstaltungen {pl}
today's dateTagesdatum {n}
today's datedas heutige Datum {n}
today's destinationheutiges Tagesziel {n} [Ort]
stocks today's highTageshoch {n}
stocks today's lowTagestief {n}
gastr. today's menuTageskarte {f}
today's rateheutiger Tageskurs {m}
sociol. today's societydie heutige Gesellschaft {f}
gastr. today's specialTagesangebot {n}
gastr. today's specialTagesgericht {n}
gastr. today's suggestion [dish, meal]Tagesempfehlung {f} [Gericht, Speise]
today's targetheutiges Tagesziel {n}
today's worlddie heutige Welt {f}
today's youthdie heutige Jugend {f}
3 Words: Others
at today's price {adv}zu Tagespreisen
at today's price {adv}zum Tagespreis
at today's rate {adv}zu Tageszinssätzen
fin. below today's rate {adv}unter (dem) Tageskurs
by today's post {adv}mit heutiger Post
by today's standards {adv}nach heutigen Begriffen
by today's standards {adv}nach heutigen Maßstäben
in today's presentation {adv}in der heutigen Präsentation
in today's world {adv}in der heutigen Welt
in today's world {adv}in der Welt von heute
of today's world {adj}der Gegenwart [nachgestellt]
4 Words: Others
showing today's post markmit heutigem Poststempel
What is today's date?Welches Datum haben wir heute?
5+ Words: Others
from today's point of view {adv}aus heutiger Sicht
Today's mail has brought us ...Mit heutiger Post erhielten wir ...
Today's parcel post brought us ...Mit heutiger Paketpost erhielten wir ...
Today's the 3rd, isn't it?Heute ist der dritte, oder?
5+ Words: Verbs
to read an article in today's papereinen Artikel in der heutigen Zeitung lesen
Feel free to link to this translation! Permanent link: https://www.dict.cc/?s=today%27s
Hint: Double-click next to phrase to retranslate — To translate another word just start typing!
Search time: 0.344 sec

A 2023-08-08: The definition of a neologism is so blurry as to be useless, today's neolo...
Q 2022-08-13: In today's Independent: "... shoes appear to be dropping fast." - Meaning?
A 2018-07-12: @Lllama: "Downtown" is actually used in today's (very British) The Guardian
A 2017-10-16: By chance found in today's Independent
Q 2017-03-20: From today's 'Independent' : "pedalling fake news" - while riding a bike, ...
Q 2016-04-05: today's humanity
A 2015-10-01: And I've just seen it in today's paper :-)
A 2015-02-02: Tell me two pieces/items of today's news.
A 2014-12-10: The activities described are no longer common in today's homes.
Q 2014-12-07: Today's chuckle
A 2014-11-13: from today's "The Independent"
A 2013-04-09: Please excuse my absence from today's ...
Q 2013-04-04: Today's Jülicher question
Q 2012-05-10: Today's calendar leaf: "With my sunglasses on, I'm Jack Nicholson. Without...
A 2011-11-20: All the same: In today's information-based world, intangible ressources ma...
A 2011-06-23: Contracting-out is also known as OUTSOURCING in today's lingo...
A 2011-06-08: From today's Guardian -
A 2011-05-18: It refers to today's world
Q 2011-04-27: Today's joke:
A 2010-10-29: It means that today's good practise (i.e. what you're supposed to so)

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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