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English-German translation for: together
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Dictionary English German: together

Translation 1 - 50 of 606  >>

English German
ADJ   together | more together | most together
SYNO   together | unitedly | in concert ... 
together {adv}
together {adv} <tog.>
zusammen <zus.>
together {adv}
together {adv}
together {adv}
zueinander [zusammen]
together {adv}
together {adv}
together {adv}
together {adv}
mitsammen [österr.]
together {adv}
selbander [veraltet] [zusammen, zu zweit]
together {adj} [coll.] [level-headed, composed]
ausgeglichen [besonnen, gefasst]
together {adv}
beinand [bayer.] [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
[because they] crowded together[weil sie] sich zusammendrängten
[they] crowded together[sie] drängten sich zusammen
added together {adv}insgesamt
all together {adv}allerseits
all together {adv}alle miteinander
all togetheralle zusammen
banged together {past-p}zusammengestoßen
banging togetherzusammenstoßend
been together {past-p}zusammengewesen [alt]
been together {past-p}zusammen gewesen
belonging togetherzusammengehörend
belonging together {adj}zusammengehörig
binding togetherzusammenbindend
both togetherbeide zusammen
bound together {adj} {past-p}zusammengebunden
bound together {adj} {past-p}miteinander verbunden
bracketed together {adj} {past-p}zusammengeklammert
bringing togetherzusammenbringend
brought together {past-p}zusammengebracht
brought together {past-p} {adj}zusammengeführt
called together {past-p}zusammenberufen
calling togetherzusammenberufend
carried together {past-p}zusammengetragen
carrying togetherzusammentragend
close togetherdicht beieinander
clumped (together) {past-p}gesammelt
clustered together {adj} {past-p}zusammengeschart
cobbled together {adj} {past-p}zusammengewürfelt [ugs.]
coming togetherzusammenkommend
coming togetherzusammentreffend
coupled together {adj} {past-p}zusammengekoppelt
coupled together {adj} {past-p}zusammengekuppelt
crammed together {adj} [of people, in a bus etc.]dichtgedrängt [Rsv.]
crowded together {adj} {past-p}zusammengedrängt
crowded together {adj}dicht gedrängt
crowded together {past-p}sich zusammengedrängt
crowding togetherzusammendrängend
drawn together {past-p} [drawn collaboratively, e.g. (animated) cartoon]gemeinsam gezeichnet
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A 2023-11-23: Reverso is a trawler. Scrape the internet. Run the word/phrase through d...
A 2023-03-20: +mind your Ps and Qs+ opulently discussed (together with how to spell the ...
A 2022-04-15: Run in together
Q 2022-01-27: help together
A 2021-10-18: Set here is Satz (not a translation suggestion), a collection of things th...
A 2021-10-14: Phrasal verbs have different meanings. Confusing when lumped together.
A 2021-07-08: Rheingau +protected on the forest side by a frontier intrenchment (SIC), c...
A 2021-04-15: A group may have been ordered to team up or have come together consensuall...
A 2020-06-14: preparing the recruitment of the rector together with specifying / definin...
A 2020-03-05: Jetzt verstehe ich "keep together"
A 2018-08-24: ? thread on which to string together beads or pearls ~ Juwelierschnur
Q 2018-07-10: “We ask that you do a test before we start working together …”
Q 2018-07-07: to stir sth. (with sth.) [mix together] ?=? etw. (mit etw.) verrühren
A 2016-09-06: Pigging out and thus don't really go together -
A 2016-08-11: held together
A 2016-08-01: For 1970, I think +X and Y's first child together+ is fine.
A 2016-08-01: +Their first child together+ is the usual way of saying it.
A 2016-07-26: http://www.dict.cc/?s=glue+together
A 2016-06-30: To get together, to start going out (with each other) (possibly only BE).
Q 2016-06-18: We can walk together....

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