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English-German translation for: tongs
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Dictionary English German: tongs

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NOUN1   a tong | tongs
NOUN2   - | tongs [one or more pairs]
SYNO   pair of tongs | tongs
tools tongs2 {pl} [one pair]
Zange {f} [Greifzange]
tools tongs2 [more than one pair]
Zangen {pl} [Greifzangen]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. tools asparagus tongs {pl} [one pair]Spargelzange {f}
gastr. tools bar tongs {pl} [one pair]Barzange {f}
gastr. tools barbeque tongs {pl} [one pair]Grillzange {f}
tools blacksmith's tongs [more than one pair]Schmiedezangen {pl}
tools blacksmith's tongs {pl} [one pair]Schmiedezange {f}
gastr. tools bread tongs {pl} [one pair]Brotzange {f}
gastr. tools buffet tongs {pl} [one pair]Buffetzange {f}
tools burner tongs {pl} [one pair]Brennerzange {f}
gastr. tools cake tongs {pl} [one pair]Kuchenzange {f}
gastr. tools champagne tongs {pl} [one pair]Barzange {f} [Champagnerzange]
gastr. tools champagne tongs {pl} [one pair]Champagnerflaschenzange {f}
gastr. tools champagne tongs {pl} [one pair]Champagnerzange {f}
gastr. tools champagne tongs {pl} [one pair]Sektflaschenöffner {m} [Champagnerzange]
tools concreter's tongs {pl}Monierzange {f}
gastr. tools crab tongs {pl} [one pair]Krabbenzange {f}
tech. tools crucible tongs {pl} [one pair]Tiegelzange {f}
cosmet. electr. curling tongs {pl} [Br.] [one pair]Curlingstab {m} [Lockenstab]
cosmet. curling tongs {pl} [Br.] [one pair]Frisierstab {m} [Lockenstab]
cosmet. curling tongs {pl} [Br.] [one pair]Lockenschere {f} [ugs. für Lockenstab]
curly tongs {pl}Lockenstab {m}
photo. tools developing tongs {pl} [one pair]Entwicklungszange {f}
tools drawing tongs {pl}Ziehzange {f}
fire tongs {pl}Feuerzange {f}
med. fishing tongs {pl}Wolfsrachen {m} [veraltet für: doppelseitige Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte]
tools flat tongs {pl} [one pair]Flachzange {f}
tools forging tongs {pl} [one pair]Schmiedezange {f}
garbage tongs {pl}Müllzange {f}
gas tongs {pl}Gasrohrzange {f}
tools gripper tongs {pl}Greifzange {f}
gastr. ice tongs {pl}Eiszange {f}
gastr. tools lobster tongs {pl} [one pair]Hummerzange {f}
magnetizing tongsMagnetisierungszange {f}
gastr. tools oyster tongs {pl} [one pair]Austernzange {f}
gastr. tools pasta tongs {pl} [one pair]Pastazange {f}
gastr. pastry tongs {pl}Konditorzange {f}
gastr. tools pastry tongs {pl} [one pair]Gebäckzange {f}
tools pipe tongsRohrzange {f}
gastr. oenol. tools port tongs {pl} [one pair]Portweinzange {f}
rail tech. tools rail tongs {pl}Schienenzange {f} [Gleisbauwerkzeug]
gastr. tools salad tongs {pl} [one pair]Salatzange {f}
gastr. tools serving tongs {pl} [one pair]Servierzange {f}
tools smith's tongs {pl} [one pair]Schmiedezange {f}
gastr. tools snail tongs {pl}Schneckenzange {f}
gastr. tools spaghetti tongs {pl} [one pair]Spaghettizange {f}
philat. tools stamp tongs {pl} [one pair]Briefmarkenpinzette {f}
tools stripping tongs {pl}Abisolierzange {f}
styling tongs {pl}Volumenstab {m}
gastr. tools sugar tongs [more than one pair]Zuckerzangen {pl}
gastr. tools sugar tongs {pl} [one pair]Zuckerzange {f}
trash tongs {pl} [Am.]Müllzange {f}
tech. tools welding tongs {pl}Schweißzange {f}
3 Words: Nouns
MedTech. cervical traction tongs {pl}Schädelhalter {m}
curling tong / tongsLockenstab {m}
gastr. fire tongs punchFeuerzangenbowle {f}
gastr. fish bone tongs {pl}Fischgrätenzange {f}
med. MedTech. tools large sugar tongs [more than one pair] [coll. for: delivery forceps]Geburtszangen {pl}
gastr. pastry serving tongs {pl}Gebäck- und Servierzange {f}
gastr. tools salad serving tongs {pl} [one pair]Salatzange {f}
4 Words: Nouns
tools a pair of tongseine Zange {f} [Greifzange]
gastr. flaming fire tongs punchFeuerzangenbowle {f}
gastr. pair of sugar tongsZuckerzange {f}
5+ Words: Verbs
to be at it hammer and tongs [coll.] [idiom] [quarrel]sichAkk. streiten, dass die Fetzen fliegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to go at it hammer and tongs [coll.] [argue] [idiom]sich streiten, dass die Fetzen fliegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Terror of the Tongs [Anthony Bushell]Terror der Tongs
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Q 2011-02-24: whips and scorpions, hammer and tongs
A 2010-04-29: tongs
A 2006-12-12: often called "A pair of tongs with ..."
A 2006-12-12: tongs with non-slip silicon ends/jaws
A 2006-12-12: barbecue tongs
A 2006-12-12: nonskid jaws of tongs

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