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Dictionary English German: tongue

Translation 1 - 50 of 441  >>

English German
NOUN   a tongue | tongues
VERB  to tongue | tongued | tongued ... 
SYNO   clapper | tongue | spit | knife ... 
tongue {adj} [attr.] [e.g. piercing, depressor, tissue, sausage]
Zungen- [z. B. Piercing, Spatel, Gewebe, Wurst]
tech. to tongue sth. [join sth. by means of a tongue and groove] [wood work]
etw.Akk. verzapfen [Tischlerei]
mus. to tonguemit Flatterzunge blasen
to tongue sth.etw. mit der Zunge (ver)schieben
anat. tongue [Lingua / Glossa]
Zunge {f}
tongue [language]
Sprache {f}
cloth. tongue [shoe]
Lasche {f} [Schuh]
tongue [scales]
Zeiger {m} [Waage]
tech. tongue [woodwork etc.]
Feder {f} [in Holz]
tongue [carriage, cart]
Deichsel {f}
tongue [flap under the lacing or buckles of a shoe]
Zunge {f} [Schuhlasche]
anat. tongue
Lingua {f}
anat. tongueGlossa {f}
rail tongueWeichenzunge {f}
2 Words: Others
tongue-shaped {adj}zungenförmig
tongue-tied {adj}sprachlos
tongue-tied {adj}stumm [sprachlos]
2 Words: Verbs
mus. to flutter-tonguemit Flatterzunge spielen
to loosen sb.'s tongue [idiom] [make talk]jdm. die Zunge lösen [Redewendung] [zum Sprechen, Reden bringen]
to tongue kissZungenküsse austauschen
to tongue kissmit (der) Zunge küssen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
(little) tongueZünglein {n}
(tongue) forking [decorative body modification]Zungenspaltung {f} [Körpermodifikation als Körperschmuck]
adder's tongueSchlangenzunge {f}
math. phys. Arnold tongueArnoldzunge {f} [auch: Arnold-Zunge]
aspic tongue [fig.] [a slanderous, foulmouthed person]Otternzunge {f} [fig.] [veraltet] [Person mit gottlosem, bösem Maul]
med. atrophic tongue [Lingua glabra]Lackzunge {f}
FoodInd. gastr. beef tongueOchsenzunge {f}
gastr. beef tongueRinderzunge {f}
bell tongueGlockenklöppel {m}
bell tongueGlockenschwengel {m}
belt tongueSchlosszunge {f}
blasphemous tonguelästernde Zunge {f}
gastr. blood tongueZungenwurst {f}
cloth. boot tongueStiefellasche {f} [Zunge]
gastr. calf's tongueKalbszunge {f}
carping tonguescharfe Zunge {f}
VetMed. cat's tongueKatzenzunge {f}
clean tonguesaubere Zunge {f}
coated tonguebelegte Zunge {f}
tools contact tongueFederschenkel {m}
electr. contact tongueKontaktzunge {f}
gastr. corned tonguePökelzunge {f}
gastr. corned tonguegepökelte Zunge {f}
gastr. cow tongueRinderzunge {f}
tech. dovetail tongueSchwalbenschwanzfeder {f}
evil tongueSchandmaul {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [Person]
film tongueFilmanfang {m} [Rollfilm]
film tongueFilmzunge {f} [Anfang eines Rollfilms]
filthy tongue [coll.]Dreckschleuder {f} [ugs.] [Schandmaul]
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A 2021-12-20: H.W. Fowler thought in 1926 the English tongue would make an effort actual...
A 2021-12-17: tongue force / weight ?
A 2021-08-15: sister company, mother tongue etc
A 2021-05-06: carcinoma of the tongue
A 2021-01-10: Yes, Werksvertrag - it was on the tip of my tongue :-)
A 2020-10-27: Doesn't technical terminology vary quite a bit among workmen / in differen...
A 2020-09-12: all mouth and no trousers: haha, might not be common, but for sure "tongue...
Q 2020-04-23: salty tongue
A 2019-02-14: "Stuck on frobile, with my tongue getting blue" - could not find it anywhere!
A 2018-07-08: A tongue-tied actor is reduced to grimacing, isn't he?
A 2016-12-14: Quotes for the UK \ Orally it is tongue-in-cheek if ever applied any more ...
A 2016-09-23: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22It%27s+on+the+tip+of+my+tongue%2C+but+*%22
A 2016-05-11: It's used in a tongue-in-cheek manner for any youth trip.
Q 2016-05-09: Bite your tongue!
Q 2016-02-24: Hard sentence even in my mother tongue
Q 2015-12-24: tongue jack
A 2015-08-30: Ahh, thank you both! Bypassing was the word on the tip of my tongue!
A 2015-07-13: German being my mother tongue, I sure know that
Q 2015-07-05: veneer/tongue grafting
Q 2015-02-22: twist your tongue

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