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English-German translation for: too
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Dictionary English German: too

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SYNO   excessively | overly | to a fault ... 
too {adv} [in addition, also]
too {adv} [excessively] [preceding adjective or adverb]
zu [allzu] [vor Adjektiv oder Adverb]
too {adv} [excessively]
too {adv} [as well, also]
too {adv} [Am. coll.: certainly]
too {adv} [moreover]
Unverified too-... [attr.] [e.g. in "a too-long story"]zu ... [mit attributivem Adjektiv]
2 Words: Others
all too {adv}allzu
almost toofast zu
Are too! [coll.]Bist du doch! [ugs.]
far too {adv}allzu
far too {adv}viel zu
here, too, ...auch hier ...
Me too.Ich auch.
none too {adv} [not very]nicht allzu
Too bad!So ein Pech!
Too bad.Schade.
Too bad.Was für ein Jammer.
Too bad.Was für ein Pech.
Unverified too clever {adj}überwitzig [pej.]
sports too conservatively {adv} [level of aggression in racing]zu dosiert [ugs.]
too detailed {adj}zu sehr in Einzelheiten gehend
too distant {adj}zu weit entfernt
too early {adv}allzu früh
too early {adv}zu früh
Too easy. [coll.] [Aus.]Kein Problem. [als Erwiderung auf eine Bitte]
too economical {adj}zu sparsam
too expensive {adj}geschmalzen [ugs.] [zu teuer]
too expensive {adj}zu teuer
too large {adj}überweit
too late {adv} <2L8>zu spät
too little {adj} {adv}zuwenig [alt]
too little {adj} {adv}zu wenig
too livelyzu lebendig
too long {adv}allzulang [alt]
too long {adv}allzulange [alt]
too long {adv}allzu lang
too long {adv}allzu lange
too long {adv}zu lange
too loud {adj} {adv}überlaut
too loudly {adv}überlaut
too much {adj} {adv}allzuviel [alt]
too much {adv}zuviel [alt]
too much {adv}allzu gern
too much {adv}allzu sehr
too much {adj} {adv}allzu viel
too much {adv}zu arg [regional] [zu sehr]
too much {adj} {adv}zu viel
too noisy {adj}überlaut
too often {adv}zu oft
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A 2024-07-31: seems wrong to me too, but ...
A 2024-07-23: Ute should be tagged, too. ;-)
A 2024-04-17: I would have voted for it too. If a term is ubiquitous enough in the US th...
A 2024-04-06: RedRufus has a good grasp of meaning. Fast too. In the upper league.
A 2024-03-28: Drunk is too obvious. Nothing worth writing about.
A 2024-01-04: To Uffieee too, and her woolly eye patch.
A 2023-11-25: Agree with Zuchi1. Too many negative connotations with 'shed'.
Q 2023-11-11: Am I the only one who feels that too many old entries are being reopened t...
A 2023-09-28: and misleading too
A 2023-09-21: I still see them at the top, but the numbers of pages at the bottom are mi...
A 2023-04-27: Karate machen is what I hear here, Google has plenty of results too.
A 2023-03-27: I think spew is good too, knock off sounds very British but I’m sure it’s ...
A 2023-02-24: American scones are too sweet to add anything else.
Q 2023-02-08: Austria playing it too safe?
Q 2023-02-05: English sports too much for Dutch neighbours?
A 2022-11-17: Bad entries: too easy to make, too hard to fix.
Q 2022-05-26: too little too late
A 2022-03-26: The misspelling +griege goods+ gives away the all too common mispronunciat...
A 2021-11-17: to put one's shoulder much too hard to the wheel / to put too much effort ...
A 2021-07-31: PPS: In British usage, +direct+ would be a tad too official (which would n...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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