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English-German translation for: top of the inning
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Dictionary English German: top of the inning

Translation 1 - 50 of 94282  >>

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Partial Matches
sports inningInning {n} [Spielrunde in Baseball]
sports frame [Am.] [baseball: inning]Inning {n}
cloth. off-the-shoulder topschulterfreies Top {n}
top of the line {adj}Spitzen-
anat. top of the breastBrustansatz {m}
sports top of the groupGruppenerster {m}
anat. zool. top of the headOberkopf {m}
sports top of the leagueTabellenführer {m}
sports top of the leagueTabellenführung {f}
sports top of the netNetzkante {f}
top of the passPasshöhe {f}
top of the popsHitparade {f}
anat. top of the skullSchädeldecke {f}
sports top of the tableTabellenspitze {f}
constr. top of the towerTurmspitze {f}
top of the wickDochtspitze {f}
top of the worldWeltspitze {f}
at the top of {adv}oben auf
educ. top of the classPrimus {m} [veraltend]
top leadership of the armyArmeespitze {f}
archi. constr. math. top of a / the pyramidPyramidenspitze {f}
anat. top surface of the tongueZungenoberfläche {f}
top-of-the-line productSpitzenprodukt {n}
automot. top-of-the-range modelOberklasselimousine {f}
top-of-the-range offerSpitzenangebot {n}
one on top of the other {adv}übereinander
educ. to be top of the classKlassenbester sein
top-of-the-line offer [Am.]Spitzenangebot {n}
top of the mountainBerggipfel {m} [Gipfel des Berges]
top of the treeBaumspitze {f} [Spitze des Baumes]
at the top of one's voice {adv}lauthals
to be top of the billdie Hauptattraktion sein
educ. to be top of the form [Br.]Klassenbester sein
sports to go top of the standingsdie Tabellenführung übernehmen
to lay one on top of the otheraufeinanderlegen
to lie one on top of the otherübereinanderliegen
to place one on top of the otheraufeinandersetzen
to put one on top of the otherübereinanderstellen
fire on the top of a mountainGipfelfeuer {n}
automot. top-of-the-range carAuto {n} der Oberklasse
archi. top of the wallMauerkuppe {f} [oberer Abschluss der Mauer]
at the top of the tide {adv}bei voller Flut
on top of the cupboard {adv}oben auf dem Schrank
Remove the top of the crate.Oberen Kistendeckel abnehmen.
to lay / put one on top of the otherübereinanderlegen
top end of the marketoberes Ende {n} des Marktes
top of the palm (tree)Palmenwipfel {m} [Wipfel der Palme]
at the top of one's lungs {adv}aus voller Lunge
at the top of one's speed {adv}mit voller Geschwindigkeit
at the top of one's voice {adv}aus vollem Hals
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