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English-German translation for: topping
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Dictionary English German: topping

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NOUN1   a topping [object] | toppings
NOUN2   topping [procedure] | -
VERB  to top | topped | topped
topping | tops
SYNO   top-flight | top-hole | topping
NOUN   das Topping | die Toppings
topping {adj} [coll.]
topping {adj} [sl.] [obs.]
gastr. topping
Belag {m} [auf Pizza, Brot usw.]
gastr. topping
Garnierung {f}
gastr. topping
Oberschicht {f}
gastr. topping
Auflage {f} [Belag]
Straßenbelag {m}
for. hort. topping
Abkappen {n}
gastr. toppingAufstreu {f}
toppingGummierung {f}
gastr. toppingTopping {n}
2 Words: Nouns
concrete toppingBetonestrich {m}
gastr. cream toppingObershauberl {n} [österr.]
gastr. cream toppingSahnehäubchen {n}
gastr. crumble (topping)Streusel {m} {n}
grout toppingAufbeton {m}
gastr. pizza toppingPizzabelag {m}
agr. topping deviceKöpfgerät {n} [an Rübenerntemaschine]
agr. topping knifeKöpfmesser {n} [an Rübenerntemaschine]
naut. topping liftBaumtoppnant {f}
naut. topping liftDirk {f}
constr. topping outDachgleiche {f} [österr.] [Richtfest]
constr. hydro. topping slabDruckplatte {f}
agr. topping unitKöpfaggregat {n} [an Rübenerntemaschine]
agr. topping unitKöpfschlitten {m} [an Rübenerntemaschine]
agr. topping unitKöpftaster {m} [an Rübenerntemaschine]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (sour) cream toppingSahneguss {m}
gastr. (whipped) cream toppingSahnehaube {f}
gastr. (whipped) cream toppingSchlagobershäubchen {n} [österr.]
gastr. favorite pizza topping [Am.]Lieblingspizzabelag {m} [auch: Lieblings-Pizzabelag]
gastr. favourite pizza topping [Br.]Lieblingspizzabelag {m} [auch: Lieblings-Pizzabelag]
Unverified topping out (ceremony)Aufhebe {f} [schweiz.]
constr. topping out (ceremony)Aufrichte {f} [schweiz.] [Richtfest]
constr. topping out (ceremony)Hebauf {m} [regional]
constr. topping out (ceremony)Hebefest {n}
constr. topping out ceremonyRichtfest {n}
constr. topping-out ceremonyDachgleichenfeier {f} [österr.]
constr. topping-out ceremonyFirstfeier {f} [österr.]
constr. topping-out ceremonyGleichenfeier {f} [österr.] [Richtfest]
constr. topping-out wreath [of a roofing ceremony]Richtkranz {m} [eines Richtfests]
constr. topping-out wreath [of a roofing ceremony]Richtkrone {m} [eines Richtfests]
5+ Words: Nouns
constr. speech at a topping-out ceremonyRichtfestansprache {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
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Q 2023-02-24: scones without topping?
A 2015-08-24: topping off / out > Aufrichte, Dachgleichenfeier, Firstfeier, Gleichenfeie...
A 2014-03-07: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/top?q=topping+out#top__97
A 2014-03-07: Noch nie gehört. Equally unusual: basement topping out at ground level
A 2012-07-25: oh I see - OK .... http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/topp...
Q 2011-05-09: platinum winning, chart topping
A 2011-02-04: Yeah, the dialogues were certainly never topping your intellectual level.
Q 2010-10-19: access risk,Cash Concentration/Topping
A 2010-03-11: hotjava: but you do have to tie the crispness to the crust and the 'juicyn...
A 2008-11-21: Or it could be a rhubarb pie (or similar) with a crispy topping.
A 2008-09-16: like a sundae without the topping?
A 2006-04-07: topping-out foreman
A 2004-06-11: My dictionary says "wreath used in a topping-out ceremony"

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