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English-German translation for: torch
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Dictionary English German: torch

Translation 1 - 50 of 93  >>

English German
NOUN   a torch | torches
VERB  to torch | torched | torched ... 
SYNO   flashlight | torch | blowlamp ... 
to torch sth.
etw. anstecken [anzünden]
to torch sth. [coll.] [a car, a building, etc.]
etw.Akk. abfackeln [ugs.] [in Brand stecken, niederbrennen]
to torch sth. [coll.] [a car, a building, etc.]
etw. anzünden [ein Auto, ein Gebäude etc.]
to torch sth.etw. in Brand setzen
torch [Br.] [flashlight]
Taschenlampe {f}
Fackel {f}
torch [Am.] [sl.]
Brandstifter {m}
torch [e.g. for glassblowing]
Brenner {m} [z. B. für das Glasblasen]
torch [fig.]
Fanal {n} [geh.]
2 Words: Others
torch-lit {adj}fackelbeleuchtet
torch-lit {adj}mit / von Fackeln beleuchtet
2 Words: Verbs
hort. to torch weedUnkraut abflammen
hort. to torch weedUnkraut abflämmen
2 Words: Nouns
tools (electric) torch [Br.]Stablampe {f}
(welding) torchSchweißbrenner {m}
battery torch [Br.]Taschenlampe {f}
tech. tools blow torch [spv.] [blowtorch] [for soldering]Lötlampe {f}
tech. tools blow torch [spv.] [blowtorch] [for welding]Schweißbrenner {m}
gastr. tools culinary torch [e.g. for caramelization]Küchenbrenner {m} [z. B. zum Karamellisieren]
cutting torchSchneidbrenner {m}
sports diving torchTauchlampe {f}
dynamo torch [Br.]Dynamotaschenlampe {f}
dyno torch [Br.]Dynamotaschenlampe {f}
electric torch [Br.]Taschenlampe {f}
hort. garden torchGartenfackel {f}
gas torchGasfackel {f}
tech. tools gasoline torch [Am.]Benzinlötlampe {f}
tech. ignition torchZündbrenner {m}
FireResc mil. magnesium torchMagnesiumfackel {f}
sports Olympic torchOlympische Fackel {f}
tech. tools oxyacetylene torchGasschweißbrenner {m}
oxyhydrogen torchWasserstoff-Sauerstoff-Schneidbrenner {m}
tech. tools petrol torch [Br.]Benzinlötlampe {f}
pine-torchKieferfackel {f}
pinewood torchKienfackel {f}
plasma torchPlasmabrenner {m}
preheating torchAnwärmbrenner {m}
material tech. tools soldering torchLötbrenner {m}
torch battery [Br.]Taschenlampenbatterie {f}
torch bearerFackelträger {m}
torch bearersFackelträger {pl}
electr. torch bulb [Br.]Taschenlampenbirne {f}
torch head [battery lamp] [Br.]Lampenkopf {m} [Taschenlampe]
torch holderFackelhalter {m}
torch lightFackelschein {m}
mus. torch singerSänger {m} von sentimentalen Liebesliedern
mus. torch songLiebeskummerschnulze {f}
torch-bearerFackelträger {m}
welding torchBrennschneider {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to carry a torcheine Fackel tragen
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A 2016-11-17: Etymology (2) http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=torch
A 2016-11-17: torch \ torx
A 2016-11-17: +torch screw+ statt +torx screw+ scheint eine Verwechslung oder bestenfall...
Q 2016-11-17: Torch / Torx
A 2016-01-26: flashlight ~ torch
A 2012-08-09: Flame / torch
A 2011-01-14: Also often +torch and pitchfork+ - Fackel not Taschenlampe,
Q 2009-09-10: he picked up the torch (fig.)
Q 2009-08-14: torch wear -> Brandschutzbekleidung (oder Flammschutzbekleidung?)
A 2009-07-15: blinded by a flash//torch
Q 2009-04-23: torch has been passed
Q 2008-10-13: pass the torch
A 2008-08-20: vielleicht "torch", um alles zu beleuchten, um es untersuchen zu können, w...
Q 2008-08-19: hauling around a huge torch
A 2008-06-23: Pocket torch
A 2008-05-05: if its any help, schweissen is to weld (using a welding torch)
A 2008-05-05: Ernst says cut by torch? but Abschweissofen = entzunderungsofen...wash heating
A 2007-11-25: welding torch of a welding robot
Q 2007-01-07: Air-fuel gas torch (was es alles gibt!)
A 2006-11-17: On top of everything else, my torch batteries had run out.

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