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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: torpedo-shaped
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Dictionary English German: torpedo shaped

Translation 1 - 50 of 538  >>


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mil. torpedo-shaped {adj}torpedoförmig
dent. torpedo-shaped diamondtorpedoförmiger Diamant {m}
Partial Matches
mil. naut. to fire a torpedoeinen Torpedo abschießen
mil. naut. to launch a torpedoeinen Torpedo abschießen
hist. mil. naut. acoustic bearing-independent torpedo <GNAT> [German Naval Acoustic Torpedo] [WW2]lageunabhängiger akustisch gesteuerter Torpedo {m} <LUT>
torpedoTorpedo {m}
eight-shaped {adj} <8-shaped>achtförmig <8-förmig>
mil. naut. acoustic torpedoHorchtorpedo {m}
Bangalore torpedoSprengröhre {f}
mil. naut. dud torpedoTorpedoversager {m}
naut. weapons spar torpedoSpierentorpedo {m}
mil. naut. torpedo boatTorpedoboot {n}
mil. torpedo boatsTorpedoboote {pl}
torpedo bodyTorpedorumpf {m}
aviat. mil. torpedo bomberTorpedobomber {m}
naut. torpedo crewTorpedowache {f}
torpedo fuselageTorpedorumpf {m}
mil. naut. torpedo hitTorpedotreffer {m}
mil. naut. torpedo speedTorpedogeschwindigkeit {f}
mil. torpedo tubeTorpedorohr {n}
mil. lightweight torpedo <LWT>Leichtgewichtstorpedo {m}
torpedo ladleTorpedopfanne {f} [Metallurgie]
mil. naut. aft torpedo roomHecktorpedoraum {m}
mil. naut. weapons anti-torpedo netTorpedonetz {n}
mil. naut. forward torpedo roomBugtorpedoraum {m}
mil. naut. stern torpedo tubeHeckrohr {n}
naut. torpedo recovery vesselTorpedofangboot {n}
torpedo bomberBomben- und Torpedoflugzeug {n}
heavy weight torpedo <HWT>Schwergewichtstorpedo {m}
mil. light weight torpedo <LWT>Leichtgewichtstorpedo {m}
lit. F The Spoilers [Desmond Bagley]Torpedo
fish T
fish T
fish T
torpedo [Am.] [sl.] [hired assassin]gedungener Mörder {m}
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
film F Watch Your Stern [Gerald Thomas]Ist ja irreunser Torpedo kommt zurück
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
RadioTV F Torpedo Belly [SpongeBob SquarePants]Torpedobauch [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
fish T
fish T
-shaped {adj} {suffix}-förmig
shaped {adj} {past-p}ausgestaltet
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