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English-German translation for: touched
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Dictionary English German: touched

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
VERB  to touch | touched | touched ... 
SYNO   fey | touched | affected | moved ... 
sb./sth. touched
jd./etw. berührte
touched {adj} {past-p}
touched {adj} {past-p} [moved]
bewegt [gerührt]
touched {adj} {past-p}
touched {adj} [slightly crazy] [coll.]
sth. touched
etw. streifte
2 Words
lightly touched {adj}angetippt
touched for {past-p} [coll.]angepumpt [ugs.]
touched lightly {past-p}angetippt
touched on {past-p} [subject]gestreift [Thema]
to be touched [emotionally]gerührt sein [emotional]
3 Words
idiom I'm really touched.Ich bin wirklich gerührt.
touched with pink {adj} [postpos.]mit einem Hauch (von) Rosa
to be profoundly touchedtief bewegt sein
4 Words
all that he touchedalles, was er berührte
touched in the head {adj} [coll.]nicht ganz klar im Kopf
to be a bit touched [coll.]etwas verrückt sein
to be a bit touched [coll.] [idiom]einen leichten Stich haben [ugs.] [Redewendung] [ein bisschen verrückt sein]
to be touched with pinkrosa überhaucht sein [poet.]
to be touched with pinkeinen Hauch (von) Rosa tragen
to be touched with pinkmit einem Hauch (von) Rosa überzogen sein
psych. fear of being touchedBerührungsangst {f}
market-if-touched orders <MIT orders>kursberührte Orders {pl}
5+ Words
He has touched a sore spot. [fig.]Er hat einen wunden Punkt berührt. [fig.]
I touched him in a sore spot. [fig.]Ich traf ihn an einem wunden Punkt. [fig.]
idiom You really touched a nerve.Du hast wirklich einen Nerv getroffen.
to be touched to the quick [idiom] [deeply affected]bis ins Mark getroffen sein [fig.] [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Touched by an AngelEin Hauch von Himmel
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A 2015-10-10: In the army, I was an excellent shot. I have not touched a firearm since b...
A 2015-09-30: Touched by a screen
Q 2012-03-25: I must have touched a chord with ...
A 2012-03-17: Only if the essential is touched on, the essetial can change
A 2011-05-09: The couple's long life together touched the public and moved them in incre...
Q 2010-11-05: 10-year yields touched a bottom
A 2010-07-17: moves us to do things that we might not ordinarily do, not do otherwise, ...
A 2010-06-15: e: As the plane touched the ground, there was a massive jolt and we were ...
Q 2010-06-15: As the plane touched the ground, there was a massive jolt and we were thro...
A 2010-03-14: Touched by ...
A 2010-02-02: You know that "Cynthia was the first who caught that miserable me with her...
A 2010-02-02: You know that "Cynthia was the first who caught that miserable me with her...
A 2009-11-17: You have touched a sore spot
Q 2009-10-26: "Ru(e)hr mich an" = sth. more witty and funny than"Get me touched"? Thanks
A 2009-08-22: you're right. it's sh**. i shouldn't have touched it with my hands.
A 2008-10-13: touched, like a touch of red.....
A 2008-06-11: Touched?
Q 2008-03-13: tema navigationssysteme: 230 nodes touched in finding path
A 2007-11-13: Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched. (Haphephobia)
A 2007-08-12: XY touched the second shot into the net

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