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Dictionary English German: tourism

Translation 1 - 50 of 152  >>

English German
NOUN   tourism | -
SYNO   tourism | touristry
travel tourism
Tourismus {m}
travel tourism
Fremdenverkehr {m}
travel tourism
Reiseverkehr {m}
travel tourism
Touristik {f} [Tourismus]
2 Words: Others
travel culture tourism {adj} [attr.]kulturtouristisch
2 Words: Nouns
abortion tourismAbtreibungstourismus {m}
travel adventure tourismAbenteuertourismus {m}
travel alpine tourismHochgebirgstourismus {m}
travel backpacking (tourism)Rucksacktourismus {m} [auch: Backpacking {n}]
travel beer tourismBiertourismus {m}
pol. benefit tourismSozialtourismus {m} [pej.]
benefit tourism [Br.]Sozialhilfetourismus {m}
law travel birth tourism [also: birth-tourism] [travelling to another country so that the child becomes a lawful citizen of that country]Geburtstourismus {m} [Reise in ein anderes Land, damit das Kind die dortige Staatsangehörigkeit erhält]
travel city tourismStädtetourismus {m}
transp. travel coach tourismBustouristik {f}
travel coastal tourismKüstentourismus {m}
gastr. travel TrVocab. culinary tourismKulinariktourismus {m} [auch: Kulinarik-Tourismus]
travel cultural tourismKulturtourismus {m}
dark tourismKatastrophentourismus {m}
travel desert tourismWüstentourismus {m}
travel disaster tourismKatastrophentourismus {m}
travel domestic tourismInlandstourismus {m}
drugs drug tourismDrogentourismus {m}
travel Easter tourismOstertourismus {m}
ecol. travel ecological tourismÖkotourismus {m}
travel educational tourismBildungstourismus {m}
travel festival tourismFestspieltourismus {m}
travel foreign tourismAuslandstourismus {m}
econ. fuel tourismTanktourismus {m}
econ. gas tourism [Am.]Tanktourismus {m}
travel genealogy tourism[Urlaubsform, wobei Touristen das Land ihrer Vorfahren besuchen]
med. travel health tourismGesundheitstourismus {m}
med. travel health tourismKurtourismus {m}
med. travel health tourismMedizintourismus {m} [ugs.]
travel inbound tourismEinreiseverkehr {m}
travel independent tourismIndividualtourismus {m}
industrial tourismIndustrietourismus {m}
travel international tourisminternationaler Tourismus {m}
travel leisure tourismFreizeittourismus {m}
travel mass tourismMassentourismus {m}
med. travel medical tourismMedizintourismus {m} [ugs.]
travel modern tourismmoderner Reiseverkehr {m}
travel mountain tourismBergtourismus {m}
travel national tourismnationaler Tourismus {m}
travel outbound tourismAusreiseverkehr {m}
prostitution tourismProstitutionstourismus {m}
sociol. residential tourismResidenztourismus {m}
travel responsible tourismverantwortungsbewusster Tourismus {m}
travel river tourismFlusstourismus {m}
travel roots tourism[Urlaubsform, wobei Touristen das Land ihrer Vorfahren besuchen]
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Q 2018-10-22: 3AAL - Tourism
A 2015-06-30: Tourism
A 2014-06-25: The importance of X, Y and Z +to/for+ European tourism.
A 2014-06-21: Health tourism destination development and offering innovative services, a...
A 2013-12-08: depends on context ..... is it tourism - people going on holiday; is it o...
A 2012-10-17: boutique tourism
Q 2012-10-17: a boutique tourism & concierge services company
A 2010-07-31: tourism commercial // advertising campaign designed to attract tourists
A 2010-05-04: Or, if you mean near the coast - land-based tourism
A 2010-05-04: probably "inland tourism."
A 2010-03-19: My aim is always to adapt tourism to current trends while keeping in mind ...
A 2010-02-24: WTO - Warsaw Treaty Organization; World Tourism Organization; World Trade ...
A 2010-01-11: flying lessons/ tourism ?
Q 2009-05-22: British tourism - where next ?
A 2009-05-03: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22cultural+tourism%22&btnG=Google-Suc...
A 2009-04-16: its a vocational college...courses in tourism
A 2008-07-14: Incidentally, how anyone can take in the culture of a city on a short trip...
A 2008-03-26: ... in the tourism sector, especially in the South and South East Asia region
A 2008-02-28: in a rural setting / rural tourism
A 2007-12-11: people working in the tourism industry

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