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English-German translation for: tourists
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Dictionary English German: tourists

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
NOUN   a tourist | tourists
Touristen {pl}
TrVocab. tourists
Gäste {pl} [Touristen]
TrVocab. tourists
Fremde {pl} [veraltend] [Touristen]
Touris {pl} [ugs.]
travel tourists
Urlaubsreisende {pl}
travel tourists [female]Touristinnen {pl}
2 Words
TrVocab. city touristsStädtetouristen {pl}
foreign touristsausländische Touristen {pl}
fuel touristsTanktouristen {pl}
climbing travel mountaineering touristsKlettertouristen {pl} [auch pej.]
noisy touristslärmende Touristen {pl}
travel overnight touristsÜbernachtungstouristen {pl}
raucous touristslärmende Touristen {pl}
3 Words
crawling with tourists {adj} [postpos.] [coll.]von Touristen überlaufen
TrVocab. It's for tourists!Das ist was für Touristen!
swarming with tourists {adj} [postpos.]von Touristen überlaufen
travel TrVocab. all-inclusive touristsPauschalreisende {pl}
Common Market touristsReisende {pl} aus EU-Ländern
flood of touristsReisestrom {m}
TrVocab. flow of touristsTouristenstrom {m}
idiom travel magnet for touristsTouristenmagnet {m}
non-EU touristsReisende {pl} aus Nicht-EU-Ländern
travel party of touristsTouristengruppe {f}
tourists from abroadausländische Touristen {pl}
travel TrVocab. tourists to GermanyDeutschlandbesucher {pl}
4 Words
relig. travel pastoral care of touristsTouristenseelsorge {f}
5+ Words
to channel the flood of touristsden Reisestrom lenken
travel (holiday) destination of countless touristsFerienziel {n} zahlloser Urlauber
tourists on a day tripTagestouristen {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F And Along Come TouristsAm Ende kommen Touristen [Robert Thalheim]
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A 2014-07-16: That could cause confusion for tourists (in either direction) trying to bu...
Q 2010-10-26: Infrastructure, schools and hospitals have to be built, unemployment eradi...
A 2010-07-31: tourism commercial // advertising campaign designed to attract tourists
A 2010-04-10: Tourists
A 2009-07-08: Nothing really to do with tourists.
A 2008-11-30: Is this an advice for American tourists what they are supposed to say in G...
A 2008-11-26: Outrageous tourists are a universal phenomenon: drunken Brits and Hooray H...
A 2008-09-04: could also be tourists visiting the South Bronx.
A 2008-08-22: Tourists interested in history and art.
A 2007-11-03: Munich is visited every year by thousands of tourists
A 2007-02-16: What the hell are you translating? Anyhow, a Bumsbomer is a plane carrying...
A 2006-06-11: as commonly seen in capital cities for tourists
A 2006-01-23: a tip for tourists: not many people know this ;-)

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