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English-German translation for: tournament
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Dictionary English German: tournament

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

English German
NOUN   a tournament | tournaments
SYNO   tournament | tourney
hist. sports tournament
Turnier {n}
Wettkampf {m}
2 Words: Nouns
sports (gymnastics) tournamentTurnfest {n}
sports (tournament) bracketTurnierbaum {m}
sports badminton tournamentBadmintonturnier {n}
games bridge tournamentBridgemeisterschaft {f}
chess tournamentSchachturnier {n}
games sports chess tournamentSchachwettkampf {m}
sports club tournamentClubturnier {n}
crossbow tournamentArmbrustschützenfest {n}
sports development tournamentEntwicklungsturnier {n}
sports fencing tournamentFechtturnier {n}
sports final tournamentAbschlussturnier {n}
final tournamentEndrunde {f}
sports football tournament [Br.]Fußballturnier {n}
sports golf tournamentGolfturnier {n}
sports grass tournament [tennis]Rasenturnier {n}
sports indoor tournamentHallenturnier {n}
sports indoor tournamentHallenwettkampf {m}
sports invitational (tournament)Einladungsturnier {n}
sports judo tournamentJudoturnier {n}
sports junior tournamentJugendturnier {n}
hist. knight tournamentRitterturnier {n}
sports ladies tournamentDamenturnier {n}
sports men's tournamentHerrenturnier {n}
games open tournamentoffenes Turnier {n}
games poker tournamentPokerturnier {n}
sports soccer tournament [Am.]Fußballturnier {n}
sports tennis tournamentTennisturnier {n}
sports tournament administratorTurnieradministrator {m}
art herald. hist. tournament bookTurnierbuch {n}
tournament broadcastTurnier-Übertragung {f}
sports tournament calendarTurnierkalender {m}
sports tournament cupTurniercup {m} [auch: Turnier-Cup]
games sports tournament directorTurnierdirektor {m}
sports tournament directorTurnierleitung {f} [Person]
games jobs sports tournament director [female]Turnierdirektorin {f}
sports tournament modeTurniermodus {m}
sports tournament playerTurnierspieler {m}
sports tournament player [female]Turnierspielerin {f}
games sports tournament practice [praxis]Turnierpraxis {f}
sports tournament typeTurnierart {f}
sports tournament victoriesTurniersiege {pl}
sports tournament victoryTurniersieg {m}
sports tournament winTurniersieg {m}
sports tournament winnerTurniersieger {m}
sports tournament winsTurniersiege {pl}
sports volleyball tournamentVolleyballturnier {n}
sports youth tournamentJuniorenturnier {n}
3 Words: Nouns
sports Four Hills TournamentVierschanzentournee {f}
sports indoor football tournament [Br.]Hallenfußballturnier {n}
sports indoor soccer tournament [Am.]Hallenfußballturnier {n}
sports old timer tournamentAlte-Herren-Turnier {n}
ping-pong tournamentTischtennisturnier {n}
ping-pong tournamentPing-Pong-Turnier {n}
sports sudden death tournamentK.-o.-Turnier {n}
sports summer football tournament [Br.]Sommerfußballturnier {n}
sports table tennis tournamentTischtennisturnier {n}
sports warm-up tournament [esp. tennis]Vorbereitungsturnier {n}
4 Words: Nouns
end-of-course tournamentAbschlussturnier {n} [eines Kurses]
sports winner of the tournamentTurniersieger {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
sports course of the / a tournamentTurnierverlauf {m}
the concluding stages of the tournamentdie letzten Durchgänge {pl} des Turniers
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Triwizard Tournament [Harry Potter]Trimagisches Turnier {n}
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Q 2016-06-23: "To play third" in a tennis tournament
A 2015-06-11: mein Versuch: tournament helmet top?
A 2013-08-01: be careful with sport and test - "test" could mean a tournament
A 2012-05-09: A round robin is a tournament where everybody plays everbody else -
A 2007-12-15: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22table+foo...
A 2007-08-20: oder besser: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22championship+tournamen...
Q 2006-10-13: 8.083 fps at 03 ABC Tournament
A 2005-11-11: Problems for World champs England before Mexico 1970 Tournament
Q 2005-11-11: Problems for World champs England before Mexico 1970 Tournament
A 2005-10-25: FRG at WC tournament 1978 in Argentina
A 2005-10-14: It was a „strange tournament“ ...
A 2005-10-13: a knock-out-competition/tournament
A 2005-06-17: Correction: In such a tough and important tournament...

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