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English-German translation for: traces
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Dictionary English German: traces

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
NOUN   a trace | traces
VERB  to trace | traced | traced
tracing | traces
Spuren {pl}
equest. traces
Stränge {pl}
2 Words: Others
sb. traces outjd. trassiert
2 Words: Verbs
to preserve tracesSpuren sichern
2 Words: Nouns
archaeo. archaeological tracesarchäologische Spuren {pl}
comp. Internet browsing tracesSurfspuren {pl}
drugs cocaine tracesKokainspuren {pl}
cultural tracesKulturspuren {pl}
law DNA tracesDNS-Spuren {pl}
fluid tracesFlüssigkeitsspuren {pl}
biol. psych. memory tracesErinnerungsspuren {pl}
biol. psych. memory tracesGedächtnisspuren {pl}
recent tracesfrische Spuren {pl}
saliva tracesSpeichelspuren {pl}
archaeo. settlement tracesSiedlungsspuren {pl}
comp. Internet surfing traces [in web browsing]Surfspuren {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to bear traces of sth.Spuren von etw.Dat. tragen
to erase all tracesalle Spuren verwischen
3 Words: Nouns
search for tracesSpurensuche {f}
traces of abrasionVerschleißspuren {pl}
traces of bloodBlutspuren {pl}
drugs traces of cocaineKokainspuren {pl}
material traces of corrosionKorrosionsspuren {pl}
chem. traces of ironEisenspuren {pl}
traces of paintFarbspuren {pl}
traces of powderSchmauchspuren {pl}
archaeo. traces of settlementSiedlungsspuren {pl}
traces of spermSpermaspuren {pl}
traces of usageGebrauchsspuren {pl}
4 Words: Others
FoodInd. May contain traces of sth. [e.g. of peanuts]Kann Spuren von etw.Dat. enthalten. [z. B. von Erdnüssen]
4 Words: Verbs
to kick over the traces [Br.] [idiom]über die Stränge schlagen [Redewendung]
to kick over the traces [idiom]ständig aus der Rolle fallen [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Traces of StonesSpur der Steine [Roman: Erik Neutsch; Film: Frank Beyer]
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A 2014-02-27: Partridge's +Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English+ traces this u...
A 2011-05-12: Noch eine Vorschlag "Most important in life are the traces of love we leav...
A 2011-05-12: The only important things in life are the traces of love we leave behind.
Q 2011-01-23: Tracks, treads and traces
A 2010-07-10: "Slight traces of oil on the exterior of *the* final silencer" sounds OK. ...
A 2009-08-31: I'd go with 'marks' here. 'Traces' are finer, harder to see.
Q 2009-03-25: The traces of the poets in the Garden of Eden of the poetry
A 2009-03-20: traces/signs of hunting by humans on the mighty sea/marine mammals
A 2009-03-19: May contain traces of egg, soya and nut by-products.
A 2009-03-14: You can discern clear traces left by the P, D & E.
A 2009-03-14: still clearly visible traces?
A 2009-03-14: traces of the Portugese, ...
A 2009-02-19: to adopt the alliteration: "the traces terrify"
A 2008-10-24: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22hinterl%C3%A4sst+spuren%22+%22leaves+trac...
A 2008-10-24: I could suspect that "tracks" is a misprint for "traces"
A 2008-01-15: Du kannst schon 'Traces of Life' sagen, WENN das auch aus der Tätowierung ...
A 2008-01-15: the traces of life showed on his body = Er hatte die Narben eines gefährli...
A 2007-06-17: Here you cannot help encountering traces of history at every turn
A 2004-07-12: analysis of trace texts / text traces ?
A 2004-03-30: or gunpowder traces

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• traces
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traces of abrasion
traces of blood
traces of cocaine
traces of corrosion
traces of iron
traces of paint
traces of powder

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