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English-German translation for: traction
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Dictionary English German: traction

Translation 1 - 50 of 86  >>

English German
NOUN   a traction | tractions
SYNO   adhesive friction | grip | traction
tech. traction
Zugkraft {f}
traction [of wheels]
Bodenhaftung {f} [von Rädern]
Ziehen {n}
Transport {m}
rail transp. traction
Beförderung {f}
Dehnen {n}
med. traction
Zusammenziehung {f} [Muskeln]
phys. tech. traction
Zug {m}
Traktion {f}
constr. tech. traction
Kraftschluss {m}
traction [pulling power]
Zugleistung {f} [einer Maschine oder eines Zugtiers]
tractionanhaftende Reibung {f}
2 Words: Others
med. in traction {adv}im Streckverband
med. on traction {adv} [Br.]im Streckverband
2 Words: Verbs
to find traction [idiom]Fuß fassen [fig.]
idiom to gain tractionFuß fassen [fig.]
to gain tractionan Boden gewinnen [fig.]
to gain tractionan Dynamik gewinnen [fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
accumulator tractionBatteriefahrbetrieb {m}
med. Apley traction [rare] [Apley grind test]Apley-Test {m}
rail diesel tractionDieselantrieb {m}
med. elastic tractionelastische Extension {f} [Traktion]
med. elastic tractionelastischer Zug {m}
med. muscular tractionMuskelzug {m}
peak tractionmaximaler Kraftschluss {m}
MedTech. skull tractionSchädelzug {m} [Chirurgie]
automot. traction aidsAnfahrhilfen {pl}
psych. traction alopeciaTraktionsalopezie {f}
med. traction bandageExtensionsverband {m}
med. traction bandageStreckverband {m}
automot. traction batteryTraktionsakkumulator {m}
automot. electr. traction batteryTraktionsbatterie {f}
rail transp. traction bogie [railway/tramway]Triebdrehgestell {n}
automot. engin. traction circlekammscher Kreis {m}
tech. traction controlTraktionskontrolle {f}
rail traction currentBahnstrom {m}
rail traction currentFahrstrom {m}
traction deviceSchuhspike {m}
med. traction diverticulumTraktionsdivertikel {n}
traction engineDampflokomobile {f}
traction engineDampfzugmaschine {f}
traction engineZugmaschine {f} [Dampfzugmaschine]
traction equipmentAntriebsausrüstung {f}
biol. traction fibre [Br.]Zugfaser {f}
phys. traction forceZugkraft {f}
med. traction injuryTraktionsverletzung {f}
automot. tech. traction modeZugbetrieb {m}
electr. traction motorFahrmotor {m}
electr. traction motorsFahrmotoren {pl}
electr. tech. traction operationTraktionsbetrieb {m}
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Q 2021-06-12: traction -> Ziehkraft
Q 2013-03-11: translation of "weighted pins" (traction elevators)
A 2012-04-05: traction engines and lorries equipped for communal purposes
Q 2009-10-01: to get traction
A 2008-02-17: local anaesthesia (US: anesth.) \ Reposition > reduction etc. \ Reposition...
A 2007-12-19: ? motor-operated wheelchairs and tractors / traction engines and work machines
Q 2007-09-27: Team, Traction and Momentum
Q 2006-11-17: Antriebs- und eine Fahrgasteinheit - traction and ??? passenger ?? unit
A 2006-07-12: traction aid
Q 2005-10-17: traction; to be in traction
A 2004-09-06: Auxiliary traction engine / tractive unit
A 2004-06-08: traction
A 2004-06-08: traction
A 2004-06-08: Traction - basically means pulling, das Ziehen I guess ... any help or am ...

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