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English-German translation for: trainee
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Dictionary English German: trainee

Translation 1 - 48 of 48


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NOUN   a trainee | trainees
NOUN   der Trainee | die Trainees
SYNO   Hospitant | Praktikant | Referendar ... 
educ. jobs trainee
Auszubildender {m} <Azubi>
educ. trainee
Praktikant {m}
Lehrling {m}
Azubi {m} [ugs.]
educ. jobs trainee [female]
Auszubildende {f} <Azubi> [hum. auch: Azubine]
educ. trainee [female]
Praktikantin {f}
Volontär {m}
educ. trainee
Anlernling {m}
educ. trainee
Lehrgangsteilnehmer {m}
educ. jobs trainee [female]
Azubine {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
sports trainee
Trainierender {m}
sports trainee [female]
Trainierende {f}
trainee [female]
Volontärin {f}
trainee [on the job]
Angelernter {m} [Beruf]
jobs trainee [esp. journalist trainee]Volo {m} [ugs.] [Volontär]
trainee [female]Lehrgangsteilnehmerin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
comm. (management) traineeTrainee {m}
educ. (teacher) traineeLehrerstudent {m}
comm. educ. commercial traineekaufmännischer Lehrling {m}
industrial traineetechnischer Lehrling {m}
jobs law legal traineeKonzipient {m} [österr.] [Jurist zur Ausbildung]
jobs law legal traineeRechtsanwaltsanwärter {m} [Österreich]
jobs law legal traineeRechtsreferendar {m}
jobs law legal trainee [female]Rechtsreferendarin {f}
jobs law legal trainee [female] [in pre-approbation internship]Referendarin {f} [Rechtsreferendarin]
programmer traineeAnfangsprogrammierer {m}
educ. ind. student traineeAzudent {m} [Kofferwort aus Auszubildender und Student]
educ. teacher trainee [female]Lehramtsstudentin {f}
educ. teacher trainee [male]Lehramtsstudent {m}
trainee allowanceAusbildungsvergütung {f}
educ. jobs trainee contractPraktikumsvertrag {m}
med. trainee doctorTurnusarzt {m} [österr.]
educ. trainee mechanicSchlosserlehrling {m}
trainee nurseLernschwester {f}
trainee nurse [female]Schwesternschülerin {f}
trainee nurse [male]Krankenpflegeschüler {m}
aviat. educ. trainee pilotFlugschüler {m}
aviat. trainee pilotPilotenschüler {m}
aviat. educ. trainee pilot [female]Flugschülerin {f}
educ. jobs trainee positionAusbildungsplatz {m}
trainee teacherAusbilder {m}
educ. jobs trainee teacherReferendar {m} [für das Lehramt]
educ. trainee teacher [female]Lehramtsreferendarin {f}
educ. jobs trainee teacher [female]Referendarin {f} [für das Lehramt]
educ. trainee teacher [male]Lehramtsreferendar {m}
educ. jobs trainee teacher [with a degree]Unterrichtspraktikant {m} [österr.]
4 Words: Verbs
to contract as a traineesich als Volontär verpflichten
5+ Words: Verbs
to enter the Civil Service as an Administrative Trainee [Br.]die Beamtenlaufbahn im Verwaltungsbereich einschlagen
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A 2020-08-21: intern oder trainee
A 2019-05-04: Possibly the job description covered a young trainee ship steward
A 2018-08-27: placement & trainee
A 2014-05-02: trainee dispensing assistant ?
A 2014-05-02: trainee pharmacist?
A 2013-10-16: Trainee in warehouse logistics - one possibility.
Q 2013-02-11: trainee?
A 2009-10-12: trainee teacher qualification regulation ....?
A 2008-09-13: we confirm that (internship is only for doctors) Trainee, Traineeship or A...
A 2008-02-19: vacation trainee (Am.)
A 2008-02-19: holiday trainee
A 2007-11-17: Trainee hotelier
A 2007-11-16: .... novice, beginner, learner, newcomer, trainee, apprentice, neophyte, g...
Q 2007-10-18: trainee manager
Q 2006-12-07: I am writing to apply for a work experience placement as a trainee for my ...
A 2006-09-25: is it possible that you want to make an apprenticeship? (praktikum)? train...
A 2006-08-18: the student trainee job
A 2006-08-17: wouldn't trainee
A 2006-08-17: also trainee
A 2005-06-28: Shorter English: editorial trainee

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