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English-German translation for: training
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Dictionary English German: training

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NOUN   training | -
VERB  to train | trained | trained
training | trains
SYNO   grooming | preparation | training ... 
NOUN   das Training | die Trainings
SYNO   Training | Tutorium | Übung ... 
educ. training
Ausbildung {f}
Training {n}
Schulung {f}
Training {n}
sports practice
Training {n}
Übung {f}
Training {n}
educ. training
Lehre {f} [in nicht handwerklichem Beruf]
training {sg}
Schulungen {pl}
training [conditioning, drill]
Dressur {f}
training [animals]
Abrichtung {f} [Dressur]
zool. training [animals]
Abrichten {n}
trainingpraktische Ausbildung {f}
2 Words: Others
by training {adj} [postpos.]ausgebildet
sports in practice {adv} [during practice]im Training [während des Trainings]
2 Words: Verbs
to be training [with]volontieren [bei]
to receive trainingAusbildung erhalten
sports to resume trainingwieder ins Training einsteigen
to undergo trainingan einem Training teilnehmen
2 Words: Nouns
sports abdominal trainingBauchmuskeltraining {n}
sports abs training [coll.]Bauchmuskeltraining {n}
educ. academic trainingakademische Ausbildung {f}
educ. academic trainingwissenschaftliche Ausbildung {f}
educ. academical trainingakademische Ausbildung {f}
educ. theatre acting trainingSchauspielausbildung {f}
actor's trainingSchauspielausbildung {f}
educ. additional trainingZusatzausbildung {f}
educ. advanced trainingFortbildung {f}
educ. advanced trainingFortgeschrittenenschulung {f}
educ. advanced trainingFortgeschrittenentraining {n}
educ. advanced trainingWeiterbildung {f}
sports aerobic activityaerobes Training {n}
med. sports aerobic workoutaerobisches Training {n}
sports altitude trainingHöhentraining {n}
med. sports altitude trainingHypoxietraining {n}
analytical traininganalytisches Training {n}
animal trainingTierdressur {f}
educ. jobs apprentice trainingLehrlingsausbildung {f}
educ. jobs apprenticeship trainingLehrlingsausbildung {f}
art educ. artistic trainingKünstlerausbildung {f}
assertiveness trainingSelbstbehauptungstraining {n}
assertiveness trainingSelbstsicherheitstraining {n}
assertiveness training <AT>soziales Kompetenztraining {n} <SKT>
audio auditory trainingHörtraining {n}
educ. mus. aural trainingGehörbildung {f}
autogenic trainingautogenes Training {n}
autogenous trainingAutogenes Training {n}
med. back trainingRückenschulung {f}
sports ball training [strength and agility training using an exercise ball]Balltraining {n} [körperliche Übungen mit einem Übungsball]
dance educ. ballet trainingtänzerische Ausbildung {f} [Ballett]
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A 2022-10-22: they underwent a few days of training on the anti-aircraft gun / on the FLAK
A 2022-02-07: Works Council 101 Training
A 2021-07-13: Spoken english training in Solapur
A 2021-03-05: German Training
A 2021-01-29: +training+ in a few other languages
Q 2020-09-29: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-09-29: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-07-23: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-07-12: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-07-11: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-06-22: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-06-20: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-06-18: Training documentation Accounting Processes
A 2019-01-21: (Erst-)Ausbildung refers to an occupational / vocational training only ...
Q 2019-01-08: Management Training
A 2018-12-16: Quail dog training.
A 2018-12-13: Ich geh ins/zum Training.
Q 2018-12-13: I go to training
A 2018-12-02: Quail dog training.
A 2018-10-15: Did you complete a vocational training?

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