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English-German translation for: transformer
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Dictionary English German: transformer

Translation 1 - 50 of 154  >>

English German
NOUN   a transformer | transformers
SYNO   Spannungswandler | Trafo ... 
electr. transformer
Transformator {m}
electr. transformer
Trafo {m} [Transformator]
electr. transformer
Übertrager {m}
electr. transformer
Umformer {m}
electr. transformer
Umspanner {m}
2 Words: Others
electr. transformer-coupled {adj}transformatorgekoppelt
electr. transformer-coupled {adj}übertragergekoppelt [transformatorgekoppelt]
2 Words: Nouns
adapter transformerSockeltransformator {m}
electr. adjustable transformerStelltrafo {m} [kurz für: Stelltransformator]
electr. adjustable transformerStelltransformator {m}
audio electr. audio transformerAudio-Transformator / Audiotransformator {m}
bell transformerKlingeltransformator {m}
booster transformerZusatztransformator {m}
column transformerSäulentransformator {m}
compensator transformerSpartransformator {m}
compound transformerVerbundtransformator {m}
electr. control transformerRegeltrafo {m} [kurz für: Regeltransformator]
electr. control transformerSteuertransformator {m}
electr. current transformerStromwandler {m}
electr. differential transformerDifferentialtransformator {m} [Rsv.]
electr. differential transformerDifferenzialtransformator {m}
electr. distribution transformerVerteilungstransformator {m}
electr. RadioTV flyback transformer <FBT>Zeilentrafo {m} [kurz für: Zeilentransformator]
electr. RadioTV flyback transformer <FBT>Zeilentransformator {m}
electr. generator transformerBlocktransformator {m}
electr. generator transformerMaschinentransformator {m}
electr. phys. ideal transformeridealer Übertrager {m}
electr. ignition transformerZündtrafo {m}
electr. impedance transformerImpedanzwandler {m}
electr. input transformerEingangsübertrager {m}
instrument transformerMesswandler {m}
electr. isolating transformerIsoliertransformator {m}
electr. isolating transformerTrenntrafo {m}
electr. isolating transformerTrenntransformator {m}
electr. isolation transformerIsolationstransformator {m}
electr. isolation transformerIsoliertransformator {m}
electr. isolation transformerTrenntrafo {m} [kurz für: Trenntransformator]
electr. isolation transformerTrenntransformator {m}
electr. line transformerZeilentrafo {m} [Fernsehtechnik]
electr. line transformer [power supply transformer]Netztransformator {m} [Netzanschlusstransformator]
main transformerHaupttrafo {m} [kurz für: Haupttransformator] [auch: Haupt-Trafo]
electr. main transformerHaupttransformator {m}
electr. main transformerHauptumspanner {m}
electr. mains transformer [Br.]Netzanschlusstransformator {m}
electr. mains transformer [Br.]Netztrafo {m} [kurz für: Netztransformator]
electr. matching transformerAnpassungstransformator {m}
matching transformerAnpassungsübertrager {m}
electr. measuring transformerMesstrafo {m} [kurz für: Messtransformator]
electr. measuring transformerMesstransformator {m}
electr. oil transformerÖltrafo {m}
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A 2014-04-18: I think that's probably a transformer rather than an adaptor -
Q 2010-09-02: Bedienungsanleitung für ein Gerät zur Wurzelfüllung /dental: Transformer j...
A 2009-10-24: Typo: transformer
A 2008-09-28: Trafoanlage > (at its most simple) transformer station
A 2008-09-28: Trafo= transformer
A 2008-07-16: the primary power supply to the mains transformer
A 2008-06-18: ? Models differ as to transformer clamps, threaded bolts, copper plates et...
A 2008-03-22: ? the read-out values always contain / incorporate transformer factors
A 2008-03-12: Provided the meter is not a transformer factor, the setting of the factor ...
A 2007-10-23: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1...
A 2007-07-27: Oder: Transformer, getarnte / verkleidete Roboter
A 2007-04-25: my dict says "isolation transformer"
A 2007-04-25: galvanic isolation of each output channel via isolating transformer
A 2006-08-14: Ernst: variable transformer--dimmer!!!!
A 2005-10-17: Go to transformer by turning dial
A 2005-10-06: don't you like "wall plug transformer"?

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