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English-German translation for: transplant
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Dictionary English German: transplant

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

English German
NOUN   a transplant | transplants
VERB  to transplant | transplanted | transplanted ... 
SYNO   organ transplant | transplant ... 
for. hort. to transplant sth.
etw. umpflanzen [an einen anderen Ort pflanzen]
hort. med. to transplant sb./sth.
jdn./etw. verpflanzen [einen Baum etc.; eine Niere etc.; auch fig.: alte Menschen etc.]
hort. to transplant sth. [plants, bulbs]
etw.Akk. umsetzen [Pflanzen, Blumenzwiebeln]
med. spec. to transplant
med. to transplant sth. [tissue]
etw.Akk. übertragen [transplantieren] [Körpergewebe]
med. transplant [operation]
Transplantation {f}
med. transplant [transplanted organ or tissue]
Transplantat {n}
hort. transplant [seedling]
Setzling {m}
Umpflanzung {f}
med. transplant
Verpflanzung {f}
2 Words: Others
med. post-transplant {adj} [attr.]nach der Transplantation [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
med. cadaveric transplantKadavertransplantat {n}
med. cadaveric transplantLeichentransplantat {n}
med. cardiac transplantHerztransplantat {n}
med. conjunctival transplantKonjunktivatransplantat {n}
med. VetMed. embryo transplantEmbryonentransfer {m}
med. face transplantGesichtstransplantation {f}
med. hair transplantHaartransplantation {f}
med. hair transplantHaarverpflanzung {f}
med. hair transplant [graft]Haartransplantat {n}
med. head transplantKopftransplantation {f} [auch: Kopf-Transplantation]
med. heart transplantHerztransplantat {n}
med. heart transplantHerztransplantation {f}
med. heart transplantHerzverpflanzung {f}
med. hepatic transplantLebertransplantat {n}
med. kidney transplantNierentransplantat {n}
med. kidney transplant <KTx, KTX> [operation]Nierentransplantation {f} <NTx, NTPL>
med. liver transplant [transplanted liver]Lebertransplantat {n}
med. liver transplant <LTx, LTX> [operation]Lebertransplantation {f} <LTx, LTX>
med. lung transplantLungentransplantat {n}
med. organ transplantOrgantransplantat {n}
med. organ transplantOrgantransplantation {f}
med. organ transplantOrganverpflanzung {f}
med. ovarian transplantEierstockverpflanzung {f}
med. renal transplantNierentransplantat {n}
med. skin transplantHauttransplantat {n}
med. splenic transplantMilztransplantat {n}
med. stool transplantStuhltransplantation {f}
med. tissue transplantGewebetransplantat {n}
med. tongue transplantZungentransplantation {f}
med. transplant center [Am.]Transplantationszentrum {n}
med. transplant centre [Br.]Transplantationszentrum {n}
biol. med. transplant incorporationTransplantatinkorporation {f}
transplant operationTransplantation {f}
transplant operationTransplantationsoperation {f}
med. transplant recipientTransplantatempfänger {m}
med. transplant rejectionTransplantabstoßung {f} [selten]
med. transplant rejectionTransplantatabstoßung {f}
acad. med. transplant surgery [branch of medicine]Transplantchirurgie {f}
3 Words: Verbs
med. to reject a transplantein Transplantat abstoßen
3 Words: Nouns
med. bone marrow transplantKnochenmarkstransplantat {n}
med. bone marrow transplantKnochenmarktransplantation {f}
med. hair transplant surgeonHaarchirurg {m}
med. hair transplant surgeryHaarchirurgie {f}
med. heart transplant recipientHerzempfänger {m}
med. heart-transplant operationHerztransplantation {f}
4 Words: Nouns
med. deceased donor renal transplant <DDRT>postmortales Nierentransplantat {n}
med. deceased-donor liver transplantpostmortale Leberspende {f}
med. islet cell transplant recipientInselzell-Transplantatempfänger {m}
med. living-donor liver transplantTeilleber-Lebendspende {f}
med. living-related donor transplantVerwandtenlebendspende {f}
med. living-unrelated donor transplantnicht verwandte Lebendspende {f}
law National Organ Transplant Act <NOTA> [Am.]Transplantationsgesetz {n} der USA
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Q 2014-01-02: Medical text - pancreas transplant context
A 2005-01-05: Transplant Medicine
A 2005-01-05: transplant surgery

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