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English-German translation for: travelling
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Dictionary English German: travelling

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NOUN   travelling | -
VERB  to travel | travelled/traveled | travelled/traveled [Br.+Am./Am. only]
travelling/traveling | travels
SYNO   travel | traveling | travelling
travelling {adj} {pres-p}
travelling {adj} {pres-p}
travelling {adj} {pres-p} [form of life]
travelling {adj} [form of life]vazierend [altertümlich]
Reisen {n}
travelling [of journeymen]
Stör {f} [altertümlich, regional: Walz]
travelling [esp. of journeymen]Tippelei {f} [altertümlich, regional: Walz]
2 Words: Others
after travelling ... {adv} [e.g. through Europe]nach Reisen ... [z. B. durch Europa]
more travelling {adj}fahrbarer
most travelling {adj}fahrbarste
travelling about {adj} {pres-p}herumreisend
travelling on {adj} {pres-p}befahrend
travelling through {adj} {pres-p}durchreisend
2 Words: Verbs
to be travelling [Br.] [coll.] [be going very fast]einen (ganz schönen) Zahn draufhaben [ugs.] [schnell fahren]
2 Words: Nouns
jobs (travelling) journeymanStörer {m} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [landfahrender Gewerbetreibender]
travel travelling abroadReisen {n} ins Ausland
travelling acquaintanceReisebekanntschaft {f}
travelling allowanceReisekostenpauschale {f}
travelling artist [female]Gauklerin {f} [veraltend] [Zirkusartistin]
travelling artists [entertainers]Gaukler {pl}
travelling bagReisetasche {f}
travelling bagsReisetaschen {pl}
travelling book [logbook of journeyman]Wanderbuch {n} [Walz]
travelling booksellerReisebuchhändler {m}
hist. travel travelling carriage [horse-drawn]Reisewagen {m} [Kutsche]
film travelling cinemaWanderkino {n}
film travelling cinemamobiles Kino {n}
travelling circusWanderzirkus {m}
watches travelling clockReisewecker {m}
cloth. travelling clothesReisekleider {pl} [Kleidung]
automot. travel travelling comfortFahrkomfort {m}
travelling companionMitreisender {m}
travelling companionReisebegleiter {m}
travel travelling companionReisegefährte {m}
travelling companionWeggenosse {m}
travelling companion [female]Reisebegleiterin {f}
travelling companion [female]Weggenossin {f}
travelling costsFahrkosten {pl}
travelling costsFahrtkosten {pl}
ind. travelling craneLaufkran {m}
ind. travelling craneRollkran {m}
geogr. travelling duneWanderdüne {f}
travelling exhibitionWanderausstellung {f}
travelling expensesReisekosten {pl}
travelling expensesReisespesen {pl}
electr. travelling fieldWanderfeld {n}
travelling habitsReisegewohnheiten {pl}
travelling innRasthaus {n}
travelling journeymanTippelbruder {m} [veraltet] [Wanderbursche]
hist. travelling journeymanWalzbruder {m} [Wanderbursche]
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A 2024-01-22: in relation to travelling ahead along the course of the road as well as in...
Q 2019-02-02: activities of travelling agents
A 2017-12-05: There are also +travelling rioters+
A 2017-08-11: I was the one travelling along that track, so it lasted +me+ several years.
A 2015-05-23: Travelling via Charles de Gaule ...
A 2014-01-23: modelling, travelling, levelling
A 2014-01-23: modelling, travelling, levelling
A 2013-07-03: Ah, deswegen: The Google doodle today depicts one of the stories from Die ...
A 2012-10-25: Meiner Meinung nach wäre "travelling circus" auch eine gute idiomatische Ü...
A 2012-09-17: Rail mail ~ a travelling post office
A 2012-02-01: Ist denn bei "she had been travelling" überhaupt ganz eindeutig, dass sie ...
A 2011-04-07: you're bang-on travelling along the Rhine to see typical German stuff,
A 2010-06-29: travel / travelling time
A 2010-02-25: Been travelling - mentally.
A 2010-02-11: They probably reached their new home by travelling as stowaways in ships' ...
A 2009-04-15: As a consequence, any further claims to reimbursement of travelling expens...
A 2009-03-18: Globalisation (BE) thrives upon the rapid development of aviation and travelling
A 2009-03-10: Travelling in good company may perhaps make you wish to play host yourself...
A 2009-01-29: The difference is rather between "travel" and "travelling"
A 2009-01-27: travelling a lot due to their business

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