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English-German translation for: tray
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Dictionary English German: tray

Translation 1 - 50 of 188  >>

English German
NOUN   a tray | trays
tray [for carrying food and drink]
Tablett {n}
tray [filing tray]
Ablage {f} [Ablagekasten, Ablagekorb]
Ablagekasten {m}
tray [for carrying food and drink]
Servierbrett {n} [veraltend] [Tablett]
Einsatz {m} [Schublade]
tray [filing tray]
Ablagekorb {m}
dent. tray
Schale {f} [Dental]
spec. tech. tray
Trog {m}
Tableau {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [Tablett]
tray [Br.] [baking tray, baking sheet]
Blech {n} [Backblech]
Tasse {f} [österr. veraltend: Tablett]
tray [in logistics]
Tablar {n} [Logistik]
2 Words: Nouns
MedTech. (base) trayGrundschale {f}
gastr. (serving) trayPräsentierteller {m}
film tech. (slide) trayDiamagazin {n}
gastr. material aluminium tray [Br.]Aluminiumschale {f}
ash trayAschenbecher {m}
gastr. baking trayBacktrog {m}
gastr. baking tray [Br.]Backblech {n}
gastr. baking tray [Br.]Kuchenblech {n}
baking-trayBacktrog {m}
balance trayWaagschale {f} [auch fig.]
tech. battery trayBatterietrog {m}
bread-trayBrotkorb {m}
tech. bubble trayGlockenboden {m}
electr. cable trayKabelblech {n}
electr. cable trayKabelpritsche {f}
electr. cable trayKabelrinne {f}
electr. cable trayKabelträger {m}
constr. cable trayKabeltrasse {f}
card trayKatalogkasten {m}
MedTech. cassette trayKassettenblech {n}
MedTech. cassette trayKassettenlade {f}
cat's trayKatzenklo {n}
catch tray [Am.] [photo copier]Auffangfach {n} [Fotokopierer]
charger (tray) [telephone]Ladeschale {f} [Telefon]
charging tray [telephone]Ladeschale {f} [Telefon]
gastr. cheese trayKäsetablett {n}
gastr. coffee trayKaffeetablett {n}
collecting trayAuffangsschale {f}
med. compartmented trayFächerschale {f}
tech. condensate trayKondensatwanne {f}
gastr. cooling trayKühlpfanne {f}
gastr. cooling trayKühlsieb {n}
gastr. tech. crumb trayKrümelauffangblech {n}
crumb trayKrümelbrett {n}
gastr. tech. crumb trayKrümelschublade {f}
gastr. cutlery trayBesteckkasten {m}
dessert tray [Am.]Dessertwagen {m}
photo. developing trayEntwicklerbad {n} [Schale]
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Q 2016-01-28: sampling tray
A 2015-02-18: Vielen Dank DHK. Ja es ist Paper-tray-Control
Q 2014-05-25: "tray" bei einem Kinderroller
Q 2012-06-21: Artikelliste mit Werkzeugen usw., Abgabe morgen 11 Uhr "Compartment Storag...
A 2011-12-12: I think it would just be called a large tray.
Q 2011-10-26: KFZ-Servicehandbuch (MT Postediting, Abgabe Freitag, 28.10. um 16 Uhr) - "...
A 2011-09-26: copies are ejected from the ...(group sorter?/finishing tray?)
A 2011-09-24: Mittelheftungsfach=Saddle stitch tray
Q 2011-01-21: developing tray
A 2010-06-08: Oh yes. Arranging coffe-pot, cup, etc. etc. neatly on the breakfast tray (...
A 2010-04-26: magnetic metal board with pen tray
A 2010-02-18: marine body recovery tray
Q 2010-01-02: Tray-Bar
A 2009-08-14: a hawker or peddler with a small vendor's tray? german: bauchladenmann
A 2009-06-22: tray return area
A 2009-01-17: Tablett seemed too obvious to me, it's the first translation of tray which...
Q 2009-01-16: tray
A 2008-11-29: Is there also an out tray?
A 2008-11-29: yes, in tray
A 2008-11-19: I'd rather call it *(butter) melting cup/pan/tray*

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