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English-German translation for: tried
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Dictionary English German: tried

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

English German
VERB  to try | tried | tried ... 
SYNO   tested | tried | well-tried ... 
tried {adj} {past-p}
sb. tried
jd. erprobte
tried {adj} {past-p}
sb. tried
jd. versuchte
tried {adj} {past-p}
tried {adj} {past-p}
2 Words: Others
battle-tried {adj}kampferprobt
battle-tried {adj}sturmerprobt [auch fig.]
sorely tried {adj}viel geprüft [hum.]
tried on {past-p}anprobiert
well-tried {adj}altbewährt
well-tried {adj}erprobt
well-tried {adj}wohlerprobt
well-tried {adj}wohl erprobt [Rsv.]
2 Words: Nouns
tried frienderprobter Freund {m}
3 Words: Others
He tried hard.Er gab sich große Mühe.
operationally well-tried {adj}betriebsbewährt
law sb. is tried capitallyjdm. droht (vor Gericht) die Todesstrafe
She tried hard.Sie gab sich große Mühe.
tried and failed {adj} {past-p}ausprobiert und fehlgeschlagen
tried and tested {adj} {past-p}bewährt
tried and tested {adj} {past-p}praxisbewährt
tried and tested {adj}probat
tried and tested {adj}geprüft und erprobt
tried and tested {adj} [idiom]altbewährt
tried and tested {adj} [idiom]seit Langem erprobt
tried and true {adj} [Am.] [idiom]altbewährt
tried and trusted {adj} [idiom]altbewährt
tried and trusted {adj} [idiom]seit Langem erprobt
tried to understand {past-p}hineingedacht
3 Words: Verbs
law to be tried asverhandelt werden als
law to be tried for sth.wegen etw.Gen. vor Gericht gestellt werden [wegen etw. angeklagt sein]
4 Words: Others
However much he tried, ...Wie sehr er sich auch bemühte, ...
idiom tried and tested / trusted {adj}vielfach bewährt
idiom tried and tested / trusted {adj}seit Langem bewährt
tried in the furnace {adj} {past-p} [fig.]gründlich erprobt
4 Words: Verbs
to be tried and tested [idiom]sich bewährt haben
to be tried and trusted [idiom]sich bewährt haben
med. to be tried in patientsan Patienten erprobt werden
4 Words: Nouns
the tried and trustedAltbewährtes {n}
tried and tested meansbewährtes Mittel {n}
tried and tested meansprobates Mittel {n}
tried and tested remedyaltbewährtes Mittel {n}
tried and trusted recipealtbewährtes Rezept {n}
5+ Words: Others
film quote A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. [The Silence of the Lambs]Einer dieser Meinungsforscher wollte mich testen. Ich genoss seine Leber mit ein paar Favabohnen, dazu einen ausgezeichneten Chianti.
as often as I triedsooft ich es versuchte
Don't knock it until / 'til you've tried it.Mach es nicht (schon) schlecht, bevor du es (überhaupt) ausprobiert hast.
lit. quote Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. [Samuel Beckett, novella Worstward Ho]Immer versucht. Immer gescheitert. Egal. Wieder versuchen. Wieder scheitern. Besser scheitern. [Erzählung Aufs Schlimmste zu]
law He has been tried for murder.Gegen ihn ist wegen Mordes verhandelt worden.
He tried to catch his eye.Er versuchte, seinen Blick auf sich zu ziehen.
He tried to palm it off on me.Er versuchte es mir anzudrehen.
He tried to prove that black is white.Er wollte das Gegenteil beweisen.
He tried to save his bacon.Er versuchte, mit heiler Haut davonzukommen.
I tried to bring it home to him, that he could not solve his problems by drinking.Ich versuchte ihm klarzumachen, dass er seine Probleme nicht mit Trinken lösen könne.
If he tried, he would succeed.Wenn er es versuchen würde, würde er es schaffen.
in the tried and tested way {adv}in altbewährter Manier
quote It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. [Winston Churchill]Es heißt, Demokratie sei die schlechteste aller Staatsformen, ausgenommen alle anderen, die von Zeit zu Zeit erprobt wurden.
Our patience was sorely tried.Unsere Geduld wurde auf eine harte Probe gestellt.
She tried to get her story accepted somewhere else.Sie hat versucht, mit ihrer Story woanders unterzukommen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to seek security in the tried and testedim Bewährten Sicherheit suchen
to stick to the tried and truesich an das Altbewährte halten
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Q 2020-05-01: Tried to send data without session.
A 2019-10-19: A nation tried to (the) breaking point
A 2019-04-28: Obviously they tried to optimize it for smartphones and other mobile units.
Q 2017-04-30: Could anybody kindly proofread the following texts which I tried to transl...
A 2016-12-11: Would not such +identity theft+ be first and foremost my very own concern?...
A 2016-01-29: She tried hard to cast this thought from her mind/aside
A 2015-08-06: Tried, tested and innovative (is the new black) / Time-tested innovation /...
A 2015-06-04: rabend improved the prose; I tried to avoid doing that. :-)
A 2015-04-16: There is no history for it, which is odd. I tried a random selection of no...
A 2015-03-28: At least he tried...
A 2015-01-16: Thank you, ddr and Catesse, for your pithy formulations of what I longwind...
A 2014-10-27: I / We / They tried to find the injection volume with the lowest kindling point
A 2014-07-16: I tried a couple of online Hebrew-English dictionaries for Rakeset,
A 2014-05-13: Have you tried http://heraldik-wiki.de/index.php?title=Wolfsangel_(Heraldik)
A 2014-03-06: I tried to think of a way of avoiding using +ihr+ twice :-)
A 2014-02-07: Tried it.
A 2013-08-01: Test days and testing days both sound to me like cars are being tried out,...
A 2013-07-07: I tried to clear up matters for ksoktogon rather than esmeralda. An aftern...
A 2013-07-03: I tried to make the best out of my plight.
A 2013-07-03: ... tried to make the best out of it ....

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