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English-German translation for: trouble sb. to come down
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Dictionary English German: trouble sb to come down

Translation 1 - 50 of 58149  >>

Keywords contained
to trouble sb. to come downjdn. herunterbemühen
Partial Matches
to take the trouble to come downsich herunterbemühen
to take the trouble to come downsich herunterbequemen
idiom to get down to the root of the troubledas Übel an der Wurzel packen [fig.]
to come down to [= reach]reichen bis
to come down to sth.auf etw. herunterkochen [ugs.]
Come down to earth!Komm auf die Erde zurück!
to come down to businesszum Geschäft kommen
to come down to businesszur Sache kommen
to come down to earthernüchtern
to come down to [depend on]darauf ankommen
to come down to [to be reduced to]hinauslaufen auf [+Akk.]
to come down to earth [idiom]auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurückkehren [Redewendung]
to come down to earth [idiom]auf den Boden der Wirklichkeit zurückkommen [Redewendung]
to come down for sb.sichAkk. zu jds. Gunsten aussprechen
to come down on sb.jdn. tadeln
to come down to [to be a question of]ankommen auf [+Akk.]
to come down on sb. [coll.]jdn. zusammenstauchen [ugs.]
to come down to cases [to get to the point] [Am.]zur Sache kommen
to come down to earth with a bump [fig.]aus seinen Illusionen gerissen werden [ugs.]
to be a trouble to sb.jdm. Mühe machen
to be a trouble to sb.jdm. zur Last fallen [Redewendung]
to come down in sb.'s opinionin der Meinung von jdm. fallen / sinken
to come hurtling down on sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. herniedersausen
to come down in sb.'s favour [Br.]zu Gunsten von jdm. zurücktreten
to come (back) down to earth (with a bang / bump / jolt) [idiom](hart) auf dem Boden der Realität / Tatsachen aufschlagen [fig.]
to come (back) down to earth with a bang / bump / jolt [idiom]unsanft auf dem Boden der Realität / Tatsachen landen [Redewendung]
to come down hard on sb./sth. [fall heavily on]auf jdn./etw. schwer fallen
to come down hard on sb./sth. [idiom] [sharply criticize]jdn./etw. scharf kritisieren
to come down hard on sb./sth. [idiom] [strongly oppose]sichAkk. vehement gegen jdn./etw. einsetzen
to come down hard on sb. [idiom] [sharply attack or criticize]jdm. an den Karren fahren [Redewendung]
to come down on sb. like a ton of bricks [coll.]jdm. eine / eins reinwürgen [ugs.]
to come down on sb. like a ton of bricks [coll.] [idiom]jdn. zur Schnecke machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Unverified to go to (some / a lot of) trouble (for sb./sth.) [idiom]sichDat. (für etw./jdn.) (große) Mühe geben [Redewendung]
to ask sb. to comejdn. herbitten
idiom to come naturally to sb.jdm. im Blut liegen
idiom to come naturally to sb.jdm. leicht fallen [Tätigkeit] [alt]
idiom to come naturally to sb.jdm. leichtfallen [Tätigkeit]
idiom to come naturally to sb.jdm. natürlich zufallen [Begabung]
to come near (to) sb.in jds. Nähe kommen
to come near (to) sb.jdm. nahe kommen [alt]
to come near (to) sb.jdm. nahekommen
to come to hate sb.beginnen jdn. zu hassen
to come to know sb.jdn. kennen lernen [Rsv.]
to come to know sb.jdn. kennenlernen
to come to meet sb.jdm. entgegengehen
to come to meet sb.jdn. abholen
to come to see sb.jdn. besuchen kommen
to come to trust sb.Vertrauen zu jdm. fassen
to come up to sb.auf jdn. zukommen
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