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English-German translation for: truly
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Dictionary English German: truly

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
SYNO   rightfully | truly | genuinely ... 
truly {adv}
truly {adv}
truly {adv}
wahrlich [geh.]
truly {adv}
ungelogen [ugs.]
truly {adv}
truly {adv}
truly {adv}
truly {adv}
truly {adv}
2 Words
truly American {adj}uramerikanisch [erzamerikanisch, zutiefst amerikanisch]
truly refreshing {adj}herzerfrischend
yours truly {adj}hochachtungsvoll Ihr / Dein
yours truly [hum.]meine Wenigkeit [hum.]
Yours truly, [at the end of a letter] [reserved for informal correspondence in British English]Mit freundlichen Grüßen [am Ende eines Briefes / Schreibens]
3 Words
really and truly {adv}wahrhaftig
well and truly {adv}gänzlich
well and truly {adv}gehörig
well and truly {adv}hundertprozentig [ugs.]
well and truly {adv}regelrecht
well and truly {adv}restlos
4 Words
I was truly grateful.Ich war richtig dankbar.
Science is truly catholic.Die Wissenschaft ist allumfassend.
well and truly over {adj}endgültig vorbei
5+ Words
comm. at a truly affordable price {adv}zu einem wirklich tragbaren Preis
film quote Truly wonderful the mind of a child is. [Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones]Wahrlich wunderbar die Seele eines Kindes ist.
You truly don't know him unless you've walked a mile in his shoes. [idiom]Man muss mit ihm erst einen Scheffel / Sack Salz gegessen haben. [Redewendung]
idiom to (truly) make one's presence felt(nachhaltigen) Eindruck hinterlassen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Truly [Mary Balogh]Rebell aus Liebe
film F Truly Madly Deeply [Anthony Minghella]Wie verrückt und aus tiefstem Herzen
mus. F Truly, truly I say to youWahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch [J. S. Bach, BWV 86]
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A 2024-10-10: 2 more truly or correctly • my parents, or rather my mother and stepfather
A 2023-03-15: I truly don't understand what the problem with using monolingual dictionar...
A 2018-02-12: Well, if you are a mass murderer and have tied your victim to the bed, tha...
A 2017-10-19: ... but in BE there's the truly imaginative term "spaghetti junction" ;-)
A 2017-03-19: She hides what she truly thinks behind her way of behaving kindly, so it i...
A 2016-11-17: I truly hope they will never have to find out
A 2016-05-25: Truly inependent minds don't need a brand, label, etc. to assert themselve...
A 2015-10-09: Vorsicht mit Hüftschüssen, Sasso — die Bedeutungen überlappen sich genügen...
A 2015-10-09: well and truly
A 2015-03-30: We are truly blessed ...
A 2014-11-17: auch möglich: ... which truly captures the spirit of the whole saga
A 2014-11-17: Well and truly.
A 2014-01-12: It leads us to believe that we are experiencing a truly existing reality.
A 2012-12-14: who truly cared - dem ich wirklich etwas bedeutete
A 2012-11-20: @meri: this is truly funny!
A 2012-07-23: Remove true/truly.
A 2012-03-01: Thanks, MichaelK, you are truly a GREAT help!!!
Q 2011-09-07: to truly live the prayer
A 2011-05-02: You are truly up-to-date, Wuffke!
A 2010-11-30: That's truly funny, never thought of that! :-)

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