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English-German translation for: trumpet
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Dictionary English German: trumpet

Translation 1 - 50 of 233  >>

English German
NOUN   a trumpet | trumpets
VERB  to trumpet | trumpeted | trumpeted ... 
SYNO   cornet | horn | trump | trumpet
to trumpet sth. [fig.]
etw. ausposaunen [fig.]
to trumpet [e.g. elephants]
to trumpet sth. [fig.]
etw. herausposaunen [fig.]
mus. trumpet
Trompete {f}
mus. trumpet
Schalltrichter {m}
trumpet [loud sound]Trompeten {n}
2 Words: Others
trumpet-like {adj}trompetenähnlich
trumpet-shaped {adj}trompetenförmig
2 Words: Nouns
mus. Aida trumpetAida-Trompete {f}
mus. bass trumpetBasstrompete {f}
mus. coiled trumpet(zirkulär) gewundene Trompete {f}
audio hist. ear trumpetHörrohr {n}
ear trumpetHörtrichter {m}
mus. echo trumpetEchotrompete {f}
mus. herald trumpetHeroldstrompete {f}
mus. jazz trumpetJazztrompete {f}
aviat. hist. mil. Jericho trumpetJericho-Trompete {f}
mus. keyed trumpetKlappentrompete {f}
mus. natural trumpetNaturtrompete {f}
mus. piccolo trumpetPiccolotrompete {f}
mus. slide trumpetZugtrompete {f}
speaking trumpetSprachrohr {n}
mus. toys toy trumpetKindertrompete {f}
toys toy trumpetSpielzeugtrompete {f}
art trumpet angelPosaunenengel {m}
mus. relig. trumpet blastPosaunenstoß {m}
mus. trumpet blastTrompetenstoß {m}
trumpet callTrompetensignal {n}
bot. trumpet cellTrompetenzelle {f}
mus. trumpet concertoTrompetenkonzert {n} [Komposition]
mil. mus. trumpet corpsTrompeterkorps {n}
econ. med. trumpet curveTrompetenkurve {f}
mus. trumpet duetTrompetenduo {n} [Komposition]
mus. trumpet duo [composition and ensemble]Trompetenduo {n} [Komposition und Ensemble]
mus. trumpet ensembleTrompetenensemble {n} [auch: Trompeten-Ensemble]
mus. trumpet fanfareTrompetenschall {m} [geh.]
trumpet glandKabeldurchführungstrompete {f}
tech. trumpet glandTrompetenverschraubung {f}
bot. trumpet hyphaeTrompetenhyphen {pl}
educ. jobs mus. trumpet instructorTrompetenlehrer {m}
educ. jobs mus. trumpet instructor [female]Trompetenlehrerin {f}
mus. trumpet literatureTrompetenliteratur {f} [auch: Trompeten-Literatur]
jobs mus. trumpet makerTrompetenbauer {m}
jobs mus. trumpet maker [female]Trompetenbauerin {f}
mus. trumpet makingTrompetenbau {m}
mus. trumpet mouthpieceTrompetenmundstück {n} [auch: Trompeten-Mundstück]
mus. trumpet musicTrompetenmusik {f}
mus. trumpet muteTrompetendämpfer {m}
cloth. trumpet pants {pl} [esp. Am.] [one pair]Trompetenhose {f} [Schlaghose]
mus. trumpet pieceTrompetenstück {n}
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Q 2023-08-21: ... elephant's trumpet but slowed down
A 2017-03-21: trumpet case
Q 2017-03-21: trumpet case
A 2011-10-21: stop blowing your own trumpet!
A 2010-07-25: He says this in a way that it sounds like a trumpet. Think of a good Engli...
A 2010-04-28: "You're not going to get better at playing the trumpet by practising the v...
A 2010-01-16: The Trumpet Shall Sound
A 2007-03-22: Google-Suche mit "sound of a trumpet*onomatopoeia
A 2004-04-24: could be nasal transmission, eg trumpet signals of one elephant to another
A 2004-01-15: trumpet angel

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