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English-German translation for: trustee
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Dictionary English German: trustee

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
NOUN   a trustee | trustees
SYNO   regent | trustee | legal guardian
to trustee [property]treuhänderisch verwalten
to trustee [property]zu treuen Händen geben [Vermögen]
fin. trustee
Treuhänder {m}
Sachverwalter {m}
Verwalter {m}
fin. trustee [female]
Treuhänderin {f}
trustee [of institution]
Kurator {m}
Sachwalter {m}
Verwahrer {m}
trustee [of institution] [female]
Kuratorin {f}
trustee [female]Verwalterin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
bankruptcy trusteeKonkursverwalter {m}
bankruptcy trustee [Am.]Insolvenzverwalter {m}
law estate trusteeNachlassverwalter {m}
law estate trustee [female]Nachlassverwalterin {f}
comm. Unverified reorganization trusteeSanierungsverwalter {m}
trustee accountTreuhänderabrechnung {f}
trustee bankTreuhandbank {f}
trustee corporationTreuhandgesellschaft {f}
trustee depositsTreuhandeinlagen {pl}
trustee fundsTreuhandgelder {pl}
trustee investmentsmündelsichere Kapitalanlagen {pl}
trustee operationsTreuhandgeschäfte {pl}
trustee securitymündelsicheres Wertpapier {n}
trustee servicesTreuhanddienste {pl}
stocks trustee stock {sg}mündelsichere Wertpapiere {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to act as trusteeals Treuhänder auftreten
to act as trusteeals Treuhänder tätig sein
to appoint a trusteeeinen Treuhänder einsetzen
to hold sth. as trusteeetw. treuhänderisch verwalten
3 Words: Nouns
insur. pension trustee liability <PTL>Vermögensschadenversicherung {f} <PTL>
trustee deposit facilities {pl}Treuhanddepot {n}
trustee in bankruptcyKonkursverwalter {m}
trustee savings bankSparkasse {f}
trustee savings bankTreuhandbank {f}
trustee savings bankprivate gemeinnützige Sparkasse {f}
Trustee Savings Bank [Br.]Sparkasse {f} auf Gegenseitigkeit
4 Words: Nouns
appointment of a trusteeBerufung {f} eines Treuhänders
discharge of a trusteeEntlastung {f} eines Treuhänders
trustee of an estateNachlassverwalter {m}
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A 2018-04-06: bare trustee > passiver Depositar, weisungsgebundener Treuhänder (Gr. Eichborn)
Q 2018-04-06: bare trust, bare trustee
Q 2014-09-23: Gibt es ein deutsche Entsprechung des US-amerikanischen Begriffs "adversar...
A 2014-04-30: court assigned trustee
Q 2014-04-30: full-fledged member of the bar / court assigned Trustee
A 2013-10-26: ~ if a receiver or trustee in bankruptcy of the distributor or his estate ...
A 2012-06-29: Trustee / Board of Trustees
A 2012-06-29: trustee ...?!
A 2012-05-02: oder: to act as a trustee
A 2012-04-04: ... deposit outlays and expenses, and the trustee shall not have to pay an...
A 2012-04-03: More politely: . . . *incurred by* the trustee . . .
Q 2011-10-10: This goes beyond fraudulent abuse of position by a Trustee- kann es jemand...
A 2011-03-05: Das hieße dann: provide for (imposing) paying agent obligations on a trust...
A 2011-03-05: Under which conditions do your implementing rules provide for paying agent...
Q 2011-03-05: obligations "on" a trustee
A 2010-01-24: eher nicht..Fondsanlagen sind Investitionen wogegen Treuhand= trustee
Q 2008-11-16: trustee protector
A 2008-11-16: professional trustee
Q 2008-11-16: professional trustee
A 2008-02-12: K confirmed: http://www.butterflylister.com/Real-Estate-Definitions/CONTIN...

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