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English-German translation for: try
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Dictionary English German: try

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NOUN   a try | tries
VERB  to try | tried | tried ... 
SYNO   to essay | to examine | to prove ... 
to try sth.
etw.Akk. probieren [versuchen; erproben]
to try
to try
to try
to try
law to try [case]
verhandeln [Fall]
to try [patience etc.]
strapazieren [Geduld usw.]
to try sth. [door handle]
etw.Akk. klinken [Bewegung der Türklinke, um Tür zu öffnen]
to trysich bemühen
law to try sb.jdn. vor Gericht stellen
to try sth.es wagen mit etw.Dat.
Versuch {m}
Anlauf {m} [fig.] [Versuch]
sports try [rugby]
Versuch {m}
2 Words: Others
Nice try!Guter Versuch!
Nice try!Netter Versuch!
Try harder!Streng dich (mehr) an!
Try me! [idiom]Wetten, dass? [Redewendung]
toys Try me! [sign (at a button) on toys][auf Produkten, die im deutschen Sprachraum angeboten werden, oft unübersetzt; sinngemäß: Probier mich aus!] [Schild (bei einem Knopf) auf Spielzeugen]
2 Words: Verbs
to try (out) [to melt down fat, blubber, etc., to obtain the oil]auskochen [Fett, Tran usw.]
to try for sth.sich um etw.Akk. bemühen
to try hardsichAkk. anstrengen
to try hardsichDat. große Mühe geben
to try mightilysich sehr bemühen
to try on sth.etw.Akk. anprobieren
to try outerproben
to try sb.'s mettlejdn. prüfen [auf die Probe stellen]
to try sb.'s mettlejdn. auf die Probe stellen
to try sb.'s patiencejds. Geduld auf die Probe stellen
to try sth. onetw.Akk. anprobieren
to try sth. outetw.Akk. ausprobieren
to try sth. outin etw.Akk. hineinschnuppern [ugs.] [ausprobieren]
to try sth. outin etw. reinschnuppern [ugs.]
Unverified try out [experiment with]pröbeln [schweiz.]
2 Words: Nouns
last tryletzter Versuch {m}
second tryzweiter Versuch {m}
sports try line [rugby]Mallinie {f}
try squareAnschlagwinkel {m}
dent. try-inEinprobe {f}
try-on [Br.] [coll.]Schwindelmanöver {n} [ugs.]
sports try-outProbespiel {n}
sports try-outTestspiel {n}
theatre try-out [of play]Probevorstellung {f}
hist. naut. try-works [whaling]Tranöfen {pl} [Walfang]
curr. Turkish lira <TRY, TL>Türkische Lira {f} <TRY, TL>
3 Words: Others
Have a try!Versuch es mal!
I can try.Ich kann es versuchen.
Please try again.Bitte erneut versuchen.
Try again later.Versuch's später noch mal. [ugs.]
Try again later.Versuchen Sie's später noch mal. [formelle Anrede] [ugs.]
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A 2024-09-21: Try "... they become a first-rate interpretation."
A 2024-08-01: Ah, sorry about that. Will try to correct my error.
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2023-10-03: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2023-08-30: Try this site:
A 2023-03-28: Yep, it's perfectly possible. Just give it a try.
A 2023-02-02: ausprobieren, try and error
A 2023-01-23: just a try - Abstand

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