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English-German translation for: trying
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Dictionary English German: trying

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
ADJ   trying | more trying | most trying
VERB  to try | tried | tried
trying | tries
SYNO   nerve-racking | nerve-wracking ... 
trying {adj} {pres-p} [arduous]
trying {pres-p} [attempting]
trying {adj}
schwierig [anstrengend]
trying {adj}
trying {adj}
hart [anstrengend, schwierig]
trying {adj}
ermüdend [anstrengend]
trying {adj}
Versuch {m}
2 Words: Others
trying on {adj}anprobierend
without trying {adv}ohne etwas dafür zu tun [sich anzustrengen]
without trying {adv}ohne sich (viel / groß) anzustrengen
2 Words: Verbs
to keep tryingam Ball bleiben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
trying experiencemissliche Erfahrung {f}
trying on [shoes, clothes]Anprobe {f} [von Schuhen, Kleidung]
trying outAusprobieren {n}
trying situationschwierige Situation {f}
trying timesharte Zeiten {pl}
3 Words: Others
after trying twice {adv}nach zweimaligem Versuch
amenable to trying sth. {adj} [responsive, willing]bereit, etw. zu versuchen
I'll die trying. [idiom]Ich werde alles geben. [Redewendung]
I'll die trying. [idiom]Ich werde mein Letztes geben. [Redewendung]
I'll keep trying!Ich bleibe am Ball! [Redewendung]
in trying toin dem Bestreben zu
It's worth trying.Es ist den Versuch wert.
Keep on trying!Versuche es weiterhin!
trying to understandhineindenkend
worth trying out {adj} [postpos.]einen Versuch wert [nur prädikativ]
4 Words: Others
I was just trying.War nur ein Versuch. [ugs.] [Ich habe es versucht.]
sb. is trying to explainjd. versucht zu erklären
Sth. is worth trying.Etw. ist einen Versuch wert.
We were just trying.War nur ein Versuch. [ugs.] [Wir haben es versucht.]
4 Words: Verbs
to continue trying to do sth.weiter versuchen, etw. zu tun
5+ Words: Others
Are you trying to chat me up? [coll.]Wollen Sie mich anmachen? [ugs.] [formelle Anrede]
Are you trying to suggest that he's lying?Wollen Sie damit sagen, dass er lügt? [formelle Anrede]
Children can be very trying.Kinder können eine Aufgabe sein.
Getting information out of you is (really) like trying to get blood out of a stone!Dir muss man ((aber auch) wirklich) alles aus der Nase ziehen! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying.Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln.
He's been trying to shake off the flu for weeks. [coll.]Er laboriert schon seit Wochen an einer Grippe. [ugs.]
I'm only trying to break the ice. [fig.]Ich versuche nur, das Eis zu brechen. [fig.]
I'm only trying to help.Ich versuche nur zu helfen.
I'm still trying to do sth.Ich bin noch dabei, etw. zu tun.
I'm trying to get my computer to work.Ich versuche meinen Rechner zum Laufen zu bringen.
Let's give him Brownie points for trying.Dass er es versucht hat, können wir ihm ja anrechnen.
She's only trying to poke fun at you.Sie macht sich nur über Sie lustig.
What are you trying to say?Was willst du damit sagen?
What I'm trying to say is ...Was ich damit sagen will, ist ...
5+ Words: Verbs
to be like trying to get blood from a stone [idiom]äußerst schwierig sein [in Bezug darauf, etw. von jdm. zu erhalten]
to be like trying to get blood out of a stone [idiom]äußerst schwierig sein [in Bezug darauf, etw. von jdm. zu erhalten]
to be trying to clear up a crimean der Aufklärung eines Verbrechens arbeiten
to be trying to solve a crimean der Aufklärung eines Verbrechens arbeiten
to seem to be trying to do sth.versucht scheinen, etw. zu tun
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Die Trying [Lee Child]Ausgeliefert
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A 2024-03-17: Okay, thank you for trying!
Q 2023-03-29: Trying to determine if C. F. Blumhardt is referring to land, influence, etc.
A 2021-11-18: Boris trying not to sound toooooooooo posh
A 2020-08-02: What are you trying to do? What's your problem? Enter a new translation?
Q 2018-06-12: Trying to describe my job
A 2017-08-29: Generell: however hard I may try; gerade jetzt: however hard I may be trying
Q 2017-06-19: a-riding, a-trying
A 2016-08-27: ... we were just trying to get that further than the baby stage
A 2016-08-04: It could mean that they were swinging their legs, trying to/getting ready ...
Q 2016-04-17: Thuggish Baby’s Hilarious Reaction To Mother Trying To Eat His Birthday Cake
A 2016-01-21: I was trying to be poetic!
A 2015-12-23: Trying to get in a festive mood
A 2015-09-29: Trying to strike a note of alarm? +limited input mode+ is one of the most ...
A 2015-07-02: Who's complaining? I'm trying gently to prod on the MASTERS / MISTRESSES o...
A 2015-05-01: Short of trying..........
Q 2015-05-01: "short of trying"
A 2015-04-18: The zebras were probably trying to get to the Autobahn :-)
A 2015-02-18: Trying to get a cat to swim + your own clever word(s) could work then.
A 2015-02-06: Trying to be funny?
A 2015-01-30: Please tell us what you're trying to say.

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