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Dictionary English German: tub

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NOUN   a tub | tubs
VERB  to tub | tubbed | tubbed ... 
SYNO   bath | bathing tub | bathtub | tub ... 
Wanne {f}
gastr. tub [of ice-cream, margarine, etc.]
Becher {m} [Eis, Margerine etc.]
tub [Am.] [bathtub]
Badewanne {f}
tub [pail]
Kübel {m}
Bottich {m}
tub [bucket]
Eimer {m}
naut. tub [coll.]
Pott {m} [ugs.] [Schiff]
tub [esp. for washing]
Zuber {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst bes. südd.]
naut. tub
Kahn {m}
Bütte {f}
Schaff {n} [österr.] [südd.] [Bottich]
Butte {f} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
tubKufe {f} [regional] [Bottich]
2 Words: Others
tub-thumping {adj} [esp. of a ranting public speaker]demagogisch
2 Words: Nouns
bath tubBadewanne {f}
med. birthing tubGebärbadewanne {f}
med. birthing tubGebärwanne {f}
gastr. butter tubButterfass {n}
clawfoot tubBadewanne {f} auf Füßen
clearing tubKlärfass {n}
enamel tubEmaillewanne {f}
enamel tubEmailwanne {f}
EU FoodInd. Euro tub [acc. to DIN 9797] [transport container]Beschickungswagen {m} [nach DIN 9797, Standard-Normwagen] [Nahrungsmittelindustrie]
flower tubBlumenkübel {m}
hot tub [Am.]Gemeinschaftswanne {f}
hot tub [Am.]Whirlpool {m}
jetted tubBad {n} mit Whirlpool
jetted tub [Am.]Badewanne {f} mit Düsen [Whirlpool]
laundry tubWaschbalje {f} [nordd. für: Waschzuber, Zinkwanne]
laundry tubWaschschaff {n} [österr.] [südd.]
laundry tubWaschwanne {f}
margarine tubMargarinebecher {m}
brew ind. oenol. mash tubMaischekessel {m}
hort. plant tubPflanzenkübel {m}
hort. plant tubPflanzkübel {m}
plastic tubPlastikgefäß {n}
plastic tubPlastikwanne {f}
agr. FoodInd. scalding tubBrühbottich {m}
shower tubDuschwanne {f}
archi. slipper tubGleitbadewanne {f}
steel tubStahlbottich {m} [Kübel, Wanne]
steel tubStahlkübel {m}
steel tubStahlwanne {f}
hort. tub plantKübelpflanze {f}
cosmet. tub tabletBadetablette {f}
tub-thumperKanzeldonnerer {m}
pol. tub-thumper [female] [pej.] [ranting public speaker]Demagogin {f}
tub-thumping [impassioned, ranting rhetoric] [esp. Br.]geifernder Schwulst {m} [Gerede]
pol. tub-thumping [in politics]Demagogie {f}
wash tubWaschbottich {m}
washing tubWaschzuber {m}
wooden tubHolzbottich {m}
zinc tubZinkwanne {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to tub-thump (for sb./sth.) [coll.](lautstark) die Werbetrommel rühren (für jdn./etw.) [fig.]
3 Words: Nouns
(wooden) bath tubBadezuber {m}
bath tub supportWannenträger {m}
bath-tub matBadewannenmatte {f}
hist. rail bath-tub tenderWannentender {m}
corner bath tubEckbadewanne {f}
gastr. ice cream tubEisbecher {m} [aus Pappe]
steel bath tubStahlbadewanne {f}
gastr. tub of jamGlas {n} Marmelade
rail tub-style tenderWannentender {m}
mus. wash-tub bassTonnen-Bass {m}
4 Words: Nouns
Technical University of Berlin <TU Berlin, TUB>Technische Universität {f} Berlin <TU Berlin, TUB>
hydro. naut. tub boat lift (house)Kahnhebehaus {n}
FoodInd. gastr. tub of ice creamBecher {m} Eis
5+ Words: Nouns
edge of the bath tubBadewannenrand {m}
old tub (of a ship) [coll.] [hum.]Zossen {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Schiff]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Tale of a Tub [Jonathan Swift]Ein Tonnenmärchen
art F Two Nudes with Bath Tub and StoveZwei Akte mit Badetub und Ofen [Ernst Ludwig Kirchner]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
fish T
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A 2022-03-12: PS: tub-sized ~ vat-sized
A 2022-03-12: Aus einem Fachlexikon: tub-sized paper > oberflächengeleimtes Papier
A 2016-09-23: PS: As a matter of fact, the +Maischbottich+ given by Langenscheidt ought ...
A 2014-08-19: It's about tub preaching
Q 2014-08-19: on a tub
A 2014-05-02: Hot tub chemicals
A 2012-12-03: ? roof tub structure
A 2010-10-07: washing machine tub = Trommel ...
Q 2010-10-07: Was soll "washing machine tub" sein, Waschmaschinenbehälter?
A 2009-10-16: Bath is used more in BE; bathtub or tub more in AE.
A 2009-10-16: he won't go into the (bath)tub / I can't get him into the (bath)tub
A 2009-10-03: tub
A 2009-04-14: shoots a photo of him, embraces him in a hot tub for 5 minutes?
A 2008-12-04: tub = Becher (z.B. wie "tub of margarine")
Q 2008-12-04: a tub of soft, mild cheese
A 2007-07-16: tub planting / tub plants
Q 2005-01-13: Tub-of-what?

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