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English-German translation for: tube-like
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Dictionary English German: tube like

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SEE ALSO  tubelike
entom. zool. tube-like heartSchlauchherz {n} [Insekten, Spinnen]
Partial Matches
tube [e.g. tube of toothpaste, paint, glue]Tube {f}
med. patulous Eustachian tube [ICD-10, Version 2015]klaffende Tube {f}
MedTech. RadioTV television camera tube <TV camera tube>Fernsehaufnahmeröhre {f} <FS-Aufnahmeröhre>
med. patent Eustachian tubeoffene Tube {f} [erweiterte Tuba auditiva]
a tube of mustardeine Tube {f} Senf
phys. X-ray flash tube <XRF tube>Röntgenblitzröhre {f}
anat. tube [coll.] [Tuba uterina]Tube {f} [Eileiter]
med. patent Eustachian tubeklaffende Tube {f}
anat. VetMed. Eustachian tube [also: eustachian tube] [Tuba Eustachii / eustachii]eustachische Tube {f} [eustachische Röhre]
tech. pulse tube refrigerator <PTR> [also: pulse-tube refrigerator]Pulse-Tube-Kühler {m}
anat. auditory tube [Tuba auditiva, Tuba auditoria]Tube {f} [Ohrtube]
electr. color television tube <color TV tube> [Am.]Farbfernsehröhre {f}
electr. RadioTV colour television tube <colour TV tube> [Br.]Farbfernsehröhre {f}
med. MedTech. percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube <PEG tube>PEG-Sonde {f}
chem. pharm. Eppendorf tube [also used as a generic term for Eppendorf® tube]Eppendorf-Tube {n} [auch generalisierter Markennahme; Eppendorf®]
comm. econ. like-for-like sales <LFL> [adjusted for retail space]flächenbereinigter Umsatz {m}
Internet like [social networks]Like {m} {n} [soziale Netzwerke]
like-for-like figuresVergleichszahlen {pl}
mus. clavi-tube [keyed trumpet]Clavi-tube {f}
MedTech. X-ray image intensifier tube <X-ray I.I. tube, XRII tube>Röntgenbildverstärkerröhre {f} <RBV-Röhre>
like-for-like {adj}gleichwertig
biochem. Sir2-like proteins [sirtuins]Sir2-like-Proteine {pl} [Sirtuine]
phys. Geiger-Müller tube <GM tube>Geiger-Müller-Rohr {n}
biochem. toll-like receptor <TLR>Toll-like-Rezeptor {m} <TLR> [auch: Toll-like Rezeptor]
film F Bend It Like Beckham [Gurinder Chadha]Kick it like Beckham
RadioTV F Dead Like MeDead Like Me - So gut wie tot
phys. straw tube tracker <STT>Straw-Tube-Tracker {m}
tubeRohr {n}
tubeRöhre {f}
cloth. tube topTube-Top {n}
automot. bike med. tube [flexible]Schlauch {m}
tube-shaped {adj}röhrenförmig
electr. MedTech. tube-side {adj}röhrenseitig
MedTech. (drain) tubeKanüle {f}
chem. tech. absorption tubeAbsorptionsrohr {n}
electr. acorn tubeEichelröhre {f}
acorn tubeKnopfröhre {f}
audio acoustic tubeHörschlauch {m}
acoustic tubeSchallschlauch {m}
air tubeLuftschlauch {m}
electr. amplifier tubeVerstärkerröhre {f}
electr. amplifying tubeVerstärkerröhre {f}
entom. anal tubeAnalschlauch {m}
bot. anther tubeAntherenröhre {f}
dent. aspirator tubeAbsaugschlauch {m}
audio hist. auricular tubeHörrohr {n}
tech. axle tubeAchsrohr {n}
tech. bearing tubePeilrohr {n}
MedTech. biangular tubeDoppelwinkelröhre {f}
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