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English-German translation for: tweezers
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Dictionary English German: tweezers

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

English German
NOUN1   a tweezer | tweezers
NOUN2   - | tweezers [one or more pairs]
VERB  to tweezer [tweeze] | tweezered | tweezered
tweezering | tweezers
tools tweezers2 {pl} [one pair]
Pinzette {f}
tools tweezers [more than one pair]
Pinzetten {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
tools assembly tweezers {pl} [one pair]Montagepinzette {f}
MedTech. tech. tools beak tweezers {pl} [one pair]Schnabelpinzette {f}
dent. med. MedTech. college tweezers {pl} [one pair]College-Pinzette {f}
cosmet. curling tweezers {pl} [one pair]Haarzange {f} [veraltet] [Lockenschere]
dent. tools dental tweezers {pl} [one pair]Zahnpinzette {f}
cosmet. tools eyebrow tweezers {pl} [one pair]Augenbrauenpinzette {f}
gastr. tools fish tweezers {pl} [on pair]Fischpinzette {f}
tools gripping tweezers {pl} [one pair]Greifpinzette {f}
hooked tweezers {pl} [one pair]Hakenpinzette {f}
tools insulating tweezers {pl} [one pair]Isolierpinzette {f}
chem. tools molecular tweezers {pl} [one pair]molekulare Pinzette {f}
phys. tech. optical tweezers {pl} [device for trapping microscopic objects like atoms]Dipolfalle {f}
tech. optical tweezers {pl} [device for trapping microscopic objects like atoms]optische Pinzette {f}
tools soldering tweezers {pl} [one pair]Lötpinzette {f}
MedTech. tools splinter tweezers {pl} [one pair]Splitterpinzette {f}
philat. tools stamp tweezers {pl} [one pair]Briefmarkenpinzette {f}
tools thermal tweezers {pl} [one pair]Wärmeleitpinzette {f}
med. tools VetMed. tick tweezers {pl} [one pair]Zeckenpinzette {f}
tools tipping tweezers {pl} [one pair]Bestückungspinzette {f}
tools unsoldering tweezers {pl} [one pair]Auslötpinzette {f}
3 Words: Nouns
dent. articulating paper tweezers {pl} [one pair]Artikulationspapierpinzette {f}
tools cross (jaw) tweezers {pl} [one pair]Kreuzpinzette {f}
fish bone tweezers {pl} [one pair]Fischgrätenpinzette {f}
fish bone tweezers {pl} [one pair]Grätenpinzette {f}
tools heat shunt tweezers {pl} [one pair]Wärmeableitpinzette {f}
tools heat shunt tweezers {pl} [one pair]Wärmeleitpinzette {f}
tech. holographic optical tweezers {pl} <HOTs> [one pair]holographische optische Pinzette {f}
gastr. tools pin bone tweezers {pl} [one pair]Grätenzange {f}
tools set of tweezersPinzettensatz {m}
4 Words: Nouns
tools a pair of tweezerseine Pinzette {f}
» See 9 more translations for tweezers within comments
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A 2010-08-06: Ich habe auch ein Problem mit tweezer / tweezers Einträgen
A 2010-04-29: US musician Frank Zappa - zircon encrusted tweezers
A 2010-04-29: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tweezers
A 2008-11-13: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22tick+tweezers%22+site...
A 2007-12-13: I think it shouldn't be in contact with sweat or oil from your fingers, th...
A 2006-08-18: @ Proteus, nice alliteration....why the alluding to tweezers?
A 2006-08-17: Throw your tweezers away, kalinka

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