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English-German translation for: twice
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Dictionary English German: twice

Translation 1 - 50 of 136  >>

English German
SYNO   double | doubly | twice
twice {adv}
twice {adv}
twice {adv}zweimals [ugs.] [zweimal]
twice {adv}zwomal [ugs.] [zweimal]
2 Words: Others
done twice {adj}zweimalig
done twice {adj}doppelt gemoppelt [ugs.]
Think twice!Denk darüber noch mal nach! [ugs.]
twice daily {adv}zweimal täglich
twice done {adj}zweimalig
twice married {adj}zweifach verheiratet
twice morenoch zweimal
twice removed {adj} [attr.] [postpos.] [cousin etc.]zweiten Grades [nachgestellt] [Cousin etc.]
Twice that ...Zweimal schon ...
twice weekly {adv}zweimal in der Woche
twice-abandoned {adj}zweimal verlassen
twice-accepted {adj}zweimal akzeptiert
twice-agreed {adj}zweimal vereinbart
twice-arbitrated {adj}zweimal geschlichtet
twice-assigned {adj}zweimal zugeteilt
twice-assured {adj} {past-p}zweimal versichert
twice-avoided {adj}zweimal vermieden
relig. twice-born {adj}zweimalgeboren
twice-confirmed {adj}zweimal bestätigt
twice-decorated {adj}zweimal dekoriert
twice-discounted {adj}zweimal diskontiert
twice-drafted {adj}zweimal entworfen
twice-granted {adj}zweimal gewährt
twice-insured {adj}zweimal versichert
twice-issued {adj}zweimal ausgegeben
twice-liable {adj}zweimal verantwortlich
twice-monthly {adj} [attr.]halbmonatlich
twice-negotiated {adj}zweimal verhandelt
twice-notified {adj}zweimal benachrichtigt
twice-overdue {adj}zweimal überfällig
twice-pleased {adj}zweimal befriedigt
twice-pledged {adj}zweimal versprochen
twice-preferred {adj}zweimal bevorzugt
twice-preserved {adj}zweimal bewahrt
twice-prohibited {adj}zweimal verboten
twice-protected {adj}zweimal geschützt
twice-quoted {adj}zweimal angeboten
twice-reimbursed {adj}zweimal belohnt
twice-released {adj}zweimal entlassen
twice-remitted {adj}zweimal überwiesen
twice-separated {adj}zweimal getrennt
twice-shared {adj}zweimal geteilt
twice-subdued {adj}zweimal unterworfen
twice-terminated {adj}zweimal beendigt
twice-told {adj}zweimal erzählt
twice-ventured {adj}zweimal gewagt
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A 2024-03-09: (twice corrected answer)
A 2019-05-27: Same typo twice: +aquarium+
A 2019-01-16: Wie oft belegt / wiederholt In English, we take a course once or twice or...
A 2018-12-15: Twice at the end of the order is quite common in the UK,
A 2018-11-13: think twice before speaking / talking
A 2018-01-17: lightning never strikes twice ( = das IST ein Sprichwort), but luck might ...
A 2017-06-24: No need to post twice.
A 2016-02-21: x = times. 2x = twice
A 2015-10-30: Do not hesitate http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/not-th...
Q 2015-10-30: Don't think twice
Q 2015-02-10: you meat each other twice
A 2014-05-24: Interesting theory, MK - but I have the latest equipment running the most ...
A 2014-03-06: I tried to think of a way of avoiding using +ihr+ twice :-)
A 2014-01-03: A few spelling mistakes - 22:10 (festina lente!) - apparently, seized (twi...
A 2013-08-27: zweimal wöchentlich > twice weekly / BIW
A 2013-08-04: We didn't need to be told twice.
A 2013-06-20: +She air-kissed him twice, very loudly+ perhaps.
A 2013-05-01: "all day" appears twice above.
A 2013-04-24: the infinitive alone suffices and "Besitz" is said twice
A 2012-11-15: better twice than never?

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